More new books are available for loan this week.
Speak to Mrs. Vaughan if you don’t see anything you like so she can add it to her next order.
Suggestions welcome!
Every week the display also highlights books in different genres. This week it is books which have appeared on TV. Why not read the book of you favourite series?
Loads of books of films too, so speak to Mrs. Vaughan if you would like a recommendation.
Loads of new books have arrived – here’s a selection of them – lots of different genres.
More in storage to be displayed, so ask Mrs. Vaughan if you don’t see something on this display and she will look for you.
Any ideas for new books? Let Mrs. Vaughan know ASAP.
Today is the start of the new term, and what better way to welcome you back, than a selection of new books! Loads of genres to choose from.
All titles are available for loan, so pop in and see Mrs Vaughan soon to borrow one.
Got a suggestion for a new book? Let Mrs Vaughan know.
Think the Library is the same every week? You are wrong!
Every week there is a new display to tempt you to try new genres. This week it is Dead but still Read! These are books by authors who have died but are still popular.
There are also new books – brand new to the Library – available for loan – and this display changes whenever there are new books received.
So, make sure you pop in regularly to see what’s NEW!!
Look at some of the new books which have just arrived!
Lots of genres and so much to choose from. More waiting to go on the display so if you don’t see something you like, ask Mrs Vaughan about other titles.
All are available for loan, so pop in and borrow one soon!
Until the new budget comes in, this is the last of the new books available for loan in the Library. But, some cracking reads so pop in for a look.
Mrs Vaughan is compiling a list of books for purchase so any ideas, please speak to her.
Kilwinning Academy is running a Dec the Doors competition and Mrs Vaughan couldn’t resist entering!
The theme is “Books…. Not just for Christmas!” All the “decorations” on the tree and book covers of new books recently added to stock. See something you like the look of? Pop in and grab it for the Christmas holidays!
Mrs Vaughan has been busy processing loads of new books won from Lit in Colour Competition – 100 Penguin books by authors of colour for you to enjoy! Although the books arrived last October, they have been in storage until Mrs Vaughan unearthed them!
Now ready for loan, these fiction and non-fiction books are a fabulous addition to the library stock, improving the diversity of books available.
Thanks to the Lit in Colour team at Penguin Books for this fantastic donation.
Libraries – more than books!