Tag Archives: Library books

More new books and new display

More new books are available for loan this week.

Speak to Mrs. Vaughan if you don’t see anything you like so she can add it to her next order.

Suggestions welcome!

Every week the display also highlights books in different genres. This week it is books which have appeared on TV. Why not read the book of you favourite series?

Loads of books of films too, so speak to Mrs. Vaughan if you would like a recommendation.



Think the Library is the same every week? You are wrong!

Every week there is a new display to tempt you to try new genres.  This week it is Dead but still Read! These are books by authors who have died but are still popular.

There are also new books – brand new to the Library – available for loan – and this display changes whenever there are new books received.

So, make sure you pop in regularly to see what’s NEW!!