Thanks to those who have signed up for Book Club.
The first meeting is Monday 26 September. Bring your lunch at the start of lunch. Mrs Vaughan looks forward to seeing you for some booky fun!
Thanks to those who have signed up for Book Club.
The first meeting is Monday 26 September. Bring your lunch at the start of lunch. Mrs Vaughan looks forward to seeing you for some booky fun!
Think the Library is the same every week? You are wrong!
Every week there is a new display to tempt you to try new genres. This week it is Dead but still Read! These are books by authors who have died but are still popular.
There are also new books – brand new to the Library – available for loan – and this display changes whenever there are new books received.
So, make sure you pop in regularly to see what’s NEW!!
Mrs Vaughan would like to invite anyone interested in joining a new Book Club at lunch time in the Library to let her know – which day suits you best, what you would like to do at meetings, etc.
Based on feedback of interested pupils, the new Book Club will launch in September. Get in touch ASAP!
For those coming to Kilwinning Academy (next week!!), or returning after the holidays, welcome!
Mrs Vaughan hopes to see you in the Library soon – especially if you are returning books from last session!
Loads of plans this year so watch this space!
For the last weekly display of the year, Mrs Vaughan has found out what the top reads for this year have been.
Lots of different titles – and some still on loan! [Please bring them back by Friday!]
Mrs Vaughan is glad to see so many popular books.
Mrs Vaughan would like all library books returned by Friday 23 June to allow her to complete a stock check over the summer.
Please bring back your books ASAP!
It is Pride Month in June so here’s just a few of the LGBT+ books available in the Library. There are fiction and non-fiction titles available – almost 80 titles – so there is sure to be something to grab your interest. Just ask Mrs Vaughan for suggestions.
Did you know that it is Mental Health Week?
This year, the theme is anxiety. Here’s some of the Shelf Help books available to help you with anxiety and being the best you can be.
Other titles available in the library, so pop in to see what’s available.
Look at some of the new books which have just arrived!
Lots of genres and so much to choose from. More waiting to go on the display so if you don’t see something you like, ask Mrs Vaughan about other titles.
All are available for loan, so pop in and borrow one soon!
Share a Story Month competition is now open!
This year’s theme is Sail Away in a Story so you are invited to write a short story (50-300 words) about a boat, ship, the sea – anything related to sailing!
Entries to Mrs Vaughan by 1 June – prize to be won!