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Toy Story IDL

This week we have explored our IDL topic that is due to launch. To Infinity and beyond!! Its TOY STORY!!! The children loved the big reveal. We chose our favourite songs, some video clips and got messy during our art lesson. The big favourite was our bingo and matching pairs game. Look inside bags this weekend as our new homework initiative has also launched in Primary C. Every week there will be 2 fun activities to complete at home that are linked to our class work and IDL. We cannot wait to hear how you get on. Can you spot which one of our pupils has earned the official photographer role in class? Loves a selfie.

Welcome Back

Hello from a very happy classroom. Primary C have been super enthusiastic and eager to explore  as we get settled into our new routine. This week has been all about discovery. We have enjoyed time getting to know each other, as well as familiarising with some of our firm favourites. We enjoyed textured sensory play, lights, music and Rebound therapy. Mr Potato Head came too. Wonder what he’s doing there?! Could he be IDL related? Find out more next week.

So great to be back with our wonderful pupils. Full steam ahead!


Warmest wishes from the staff team.

First Week!

NE looking for rainbow fish on the magic carpet.

AF chasing the rainbow fish!

LC following those cheeky fish!

Well! What a wonderful first week in Primary A! We have been really busy getting to know everyone! Firm favourites so far are magic carpet, pool, rebound and sensory exploration 🖤 Here’s a sneak peak at our sensory play. Roll on week two!

Eco School committee announcement!

Eco School committee

The Eco School committee are delighted to announce that we have achieved our 5th Eco Schools Scotland Green Flag award, over the past two years we have  been working on the topics Litter, Waste Minimisation and Energy.

Litter – classes made sure the school grounds were litter free and used the correct bins when binning their rubbish to help with the school’s recycling.

Waste Minimisation – for Waste Week we helped reduce food waste in the school. Classes reused and up-cycled waste items at art to make crafty goods to sell at the School Fayres.

Energy – we helped save energy by switching off lights and any ICT equipment not in use

Also the seniors took part In the Big Soup Appeal in October, harvesting vegetables they grew to make soup. We raised money for Fairtrade in February by having a Fairtrade snack with delicious snacks made by classes using Fairtrade foods.

Well done everyone  🌟


Summer Trip

Sharks, stingrays and starfish!

All the boys loved the water… Primary A’s own underwater adventure!

Today Primary A visited Loch Lomond Aquarium for our summer trip! We had the best fun and all the boys absolutely loved it! We even got up close with a Chocolate Chip Starfish! The aqua tunnel was a huge hit too … we were all amazed!

Night and Day work in Primary C

We have been focusing on different things that you can see in the sky during night and day. The children loved lying outside on the grass (during a gorgeous sunny day) looking up at the sky to see what they could see. We were very lucky and saw a few planes, birds, butterflies, bees and even a paraglider!