Parent Council

Please note that the Parent Council meetings can be attended by anyone who has children in the school and is open to parents, grandparents,
aunties, uncles & carers.  You do not need to attend every meeting and are welcome along to the meetings you are able to manage to get to.

(Article 12 – Be listened to and have opinions heard)

Our next Parent Council meeting will be shared very soon. Please check your seesaw messages for the link on the day of the meeting.

If anyone has any fundraising ideas then could you please contact Laura Young and share them with her.  The Parent Council always like to come up with creative ways to raise funds for the school.

In session 22-23 the Parent Council  purchased new iPad covers for the school and the children are making full use of the 19 new iPads in their learning across all curricular areas.  This purchase helps the school to free up our budget to buy other resources for the classes making a real difference to the support we can offer to our young people.

In session 23-24, the Parent Council also kindly funded the whole school trip to Finlaystone Country Park and subsidised the Leavers Hoodies for the P7 children.

Another success last year were the school discos organised by the Parent Council.  These proved to be very popular and they are hoping to run more this session.

So far, in session 24-25, the Parent Council have raised £495 for their Christmas hamper raffle at the nativity.

The next Parent Council Meeting is on Monday 20th January @8pm on Microsoft Teams.  Why not pop on to hear what is happening and how you can support your child and the school? (You can even keep your camera off if you’re unsure.)


PTC Minutes 28 Oct 24

Minutes Sep 2024 – AGM

Education Scotland and Care Inspectorate Inspection Report May 2024

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