All posts by Ms West

Website Revamp

We are currently changing the layout of our website to support everyone during the COVID 19  crisis.


Everything is still here, they may now be under new tabs to make it easier to access.




Covid-19 – Contingency Plans Update

Whilst there are no plans to close Auchenharvie Academy at the moment we still need to plan for the potential that this may happen in the future. Therefore all pupils who were in school this afternoon have been asked to check that they can log into their Glow account and they can access One Drive and Show My Homework from this platform. Most pupils were able to do this successfully and some will check this at home tonight. Pupils who cannot access these platforms from home have been asked to ensure that senior staff are made aware of this and will be provided with learning packs. Any pupil who was not in school this afternoon should ensure that they can log into their GLOW account and access Show My Homework and One Drive. Pupils who are unable to do so for any reason and are not in school today need to contact their Pastoral Care Teacher who will arrange either for passwords to be reset or learning packs to be sent home.



Groupcall Xpressions

View your child’s information in your mobile or desktop

An exciting new service is now available to help make home-school communications easier, more effective and more accessible.

Xpressions is completely free of charge to you and can be installed on your mobile device or tablet. It supports both Apple IOS and Android.

Alternatively visit from any internet browser fro more information