Our School Charter


Last week we discussed the first section of our school charter. We looked at article 12 and the right to express opinions and have our views taken seriously. A summary of our discussion is shown in the picture above. We have outlined the responsibilities of our school staff to ensure that this right can be enjoyed by all pupils in our school. We have also detailed how the pupils of the school can enjoy their rights and ensure that the rights of others are not affected.

As part of the school commitment to the charter, Mr Milligan is recruiting “School ambassadors” this week. These ambassadors will be chosen by each class and will represent pupils at the school council and other events. The role of school ambassador has been discussed with S1-3 this week in personal support.


The role of ambassador will enable pupils in Ardrossan Academy to voice their opinions about anything to do with school and get feedback from the pupil council and staff.

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