Changes to Google Additional Services for Staff Glow Accounts

From 1st February 2022 Education Scotland Digital Services are reversing some of the changes made in Sep 2021 which limited Glow accounts access to Google Additional Services such as Google Maps.

From 1st February staff Glow accounts will regain access to Google Additional Services; however learners will remain unable to access these products when signed into Glow.  This is due to the age restrictions outlined in the T&Cs for these services.  Please note it can take a few days until the change is rolled out across all accounts, so please be patient.  To test if your account has been updated please access G Drive or Google Classroom before attempting to open an Additional Service like Google Maps.  If you are able to open the Additional Service then your account has been updated, if not please give it a bit more time.

It is still recommended that Glow users do not link their Google account to other services which are approved for use, but use the sign up with an email option whenever possible.

Note: YouTube is still set to “Restricted Mode” and therefore cannot be accessed whilst signed in to Google with your Glow account. This may be reviewed later in the year. More information about Google Additional Services available on Glow Connect here.

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