KGS Inspection Follow Up Visit

Following our initial Inspection in September 2015 and follow up visit in November 2016 a joint inspection team from Moray Council and Education Scotland returned to the school in September 2017.

The purpose of this visit was to ensure that the good progress that had been identified in 2016 was being sustained and built upon to the benefit of the young people in our care.

The team recognised the hard work of all in our school community passing comment on how well the large number of new staff had fitted in to the school and that they had a clear understanding of the school’s vision and ethos as well as our priorities for improvement. They found many positives about our school mentioning improvements in attainment with real gains in numeracy and ongoing progress in literacy. The wide and increasing range of experiences and qualifications open to our students was commended along with the quality of relationships and support for young people.

As pleasing as this positive report is we are clear that school improvement is never finished. Along with all schools we will continue to review courses, learning experiences and approaches, and monitor the impact we are having on our students. Together with our parents and our many partners in our community we will always strive to provide the best possible experience for our young people to allow them the best start in life that we can.

You can find the full report as well as links to the initial Inspection and revisit on the KGS page on the Moray Council website: –