All posts by Miss Main

Term Two in P2

This term in Primary 2 our Context for Learning will continue to be based around the stories of Katie Morag. We will also be studying The Family and The Nativity. We  will be looking at island life, family life and the Christmas story. This context will be used across all areas of the curriculum.

Term One in P2

Last term we studied Katie Morag and her life on the Isle of Struay. We used the island and Lossiemouth as a basis for simple mapping activities. We used the home corner as a post office for role play and to learn about counting money. We used the books as a context for learning in all subjects.

World War One

This term Primary 6 / 7 have been learning about the First World War. We have investigated the causes of World War One, including the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, and the different countries involved.  We wrote reports about the 1914 Christmas Day Truce on the Western Front. Using shoe boxes we created trench models, and then planned an attack on a trench. After visiting the Lossiemouth War Memorial, we will be finishing this topic with our Remembrance Day assembly, where we will act out our World War One drama, sing songs from the First World War and pay tribute to the men and women who bravely gave their lives in the Great War.

Mighty Mountains

In term two Primary 4/5 are looking forward to learning all about Mighty Mountains. We are going to improve our mapping skills by using maps and atlases to find the highest mountains in the world.  We are going to invite a visitor into the school to learn all about the mountain rescue team and all the equipment they need to keep us safe. We are all keen to learn about the weather and climate on these high mountains and hope there will be some snow in Lossiemouth so we can do some snow experiments. Everyone in the class loves animals and we can’t wait to find out how animals adapt to the different conditions on these high mountains.

Fairy Tales in P1B

We had a very exciting first term in Primary 1B.  We had a visit from  friendly dragon that left a trail of sparkle to a letter asking us for help. Fairyland had disappeared and the Fairy Tale characters had nowhere to live.  We all agreed to help the Friendly Dragon and the Fairy Tale characters.  Here our adventure began..

We have turned our role play area into a Castle for the Friendly Dragon to protect. It was very messy sponge painting the cardboard to make it look like stone but we all worked together and are really proud of our castle.

We have read and retold lots of fairy tales and we have even had a go at writing our own tales. The dragon left us a copy of the Elves and the Shoemaker and asked us to help design shoes for the shoemakers shop and clothes for the Elves. In order to do this we had to become scientists and carry out experiments on different materials so that we could find the best ones to use.  We enjoyed working together and were surprised by some of the materials.

As we move into our second term we will continue to help the Friendly Dragon and the Fairy Tale characters as we explore buildings and settings. Hopefully we can rebuild Fairyland in time for Christmas.