First Term Review

Primary 6’s first term began with pupils getting to know each other and their school community. They have settled well to having two teachers, Mrs Hemmings, Monday and Tuesday and Mrs Gray, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.

In the curriculum, for language pupils have covered Report Writing, learning to write newspaper reports, diary extracts and letters based around their theme of Mary queen of Scots.

In Maths we have focused on Place Value, addition, subtraction, and multiplication, as well as 2D and 3D shape where they made nets and skeletons of shapes. The children also have a personal times table challenge each week to encourage them to learn their tables and table facts.

For P.E. with the class teacher, the children were involved in learning Kwik Cricket skills and with the P.E. Specialist, Mr Custodio they were developing rugby skills and how to improve their fitness. As a nationwide initiative, the children have been taking part in the Daily Dash and have shown great improvement in their stamina and fitness.

The children have enjoyed learning about Mary Queen of Scots through their theme, looking at her early life in France and continuing into her later life and imprisonment, culminating in a mock trial which included dressing up in period costume. Much of their learning focused on them developing their research skills. Some high points where making a Tudor Rose and Tudor Houses  and also  long-stitched tapestry.

Along with P6A, the children presented the school Harvest Festival assembly in front of family and visitors from the local community. They then played host to them in their classroom and afterwards in the hall for refreshments.

Our new system of rewards Dojo is proving popular with the pupils and parents who are able to follow their child’s progress in class.


img_1779 P6b Harvest Assembly


img_02571 P6B Dressed up in period costume