Coastal Classrooms Session 3

This was our third session with the Wildthings leaders, James , Ruaridh and Kate. There was great excitement as we travelled to Covesea Beach by minibus. The weather was sunny and pretty breezy as we walked down the coastal path to the beach. The sea was a beautiful turquoise colour and we spotted lots of colourful wild flowers.

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Once there we played the Endangered Species game after talking about the animals around the world that are in danger. We found out what the threats are and how we can help by being conservationists and protecting the animals, their habitats and the environment.

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We then spoke about how long it takes for items to break down before sorting items made of different materials onto a litter time line. Glass and plastic will last forever. They might break into smaller pieces but they never disappear. Natural materials break down quickly. Fraizer was a dead fulmar – he would rot away in about six months!

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It was then time to do our bit to help the environment by carrying out a beach clean with litter pickers. We filled three bin bags of rubbish, most of it plastic. Good job P3A!

Before we walked back up the hill to the bus, we played a food cycle game called Otter, Trout and Midge.We can play this at playtime

What a lot we learnt and what fun we had. See you next week Wildthings!
