Hello parents and carers,
After the success of last week’s activities, we thought we would continue with themed activities and have a ‘Circus Theme’ this week! So just like last week all the learning activities are based on the circus! Thank you to everyone who has been communicating with us via Glow email, Twitter and MS Teams. Please remember this is only a guide and our message is to do what you can, when you can. There is no expectation to complete all the activities as we are fully aware that everybody’s circumstances are different during these challenging times.
Topic – Create a Poster to Advertise The Circus Coming to Town!
We would like you to design a poster for the circus. Illustrate your poster with acts, food adverts, ticket prices, location etc. Make it bright and bold!
This week for writing we would like you write about running away with the circus. This can be as imaginative as you want. We have written down some questions in the table below to try and help you think of the structure of your story.
Why? | Why have you ran away to the circus?
Are you running away from something or someone? Have you left with all your family or is it just you? |
What? | What are you going to do at the circus?
Have you got some skills that might help you find a job there?
Where? | Where is the circus going?
What is the circus like? Is there a ‘Big Top’? Use this part of the story to describe what life is like now you are in the circus. |
Reading – Dictionary Skills
Read through all the words and use a dictionary find the meaning to at least 10 of these circus words. Why not try to add some of your own circus words too? See how many you can come up with yourself! Click on the document below to open the activity.
Reading Dictionary Skills – The Circus
This week we would like you to use your multiplication skills to solve the word problems attached.
Circus Multiplication Word Problems
Directions and Movement
Create a route from one part of your house or garden to another part and write directions for someone to follow. Describe your directions with language such as ___ steps forward, ___ steps backwards, turn left and turn right. Try out your directions with a family member. Do they work? Can you improve them?
Give directions to help the clowns get to different parts of the circus. Remember to draw your route then write down the instructions clearly for the clown to follow.
Sumdog and Heinemann Active Maths
Last week we had more of the class l participate in learning on Heinemann Active Maths and Sumdog. We have awarded 100 coins to pupils who have been working hard to practise their maths skills. Please continue to practise your numeracy and maths skills through Sumdog and Heinemann Active Maths. If you are experiencing problems with logging in, please contact us via glow email or MS Teams.
Rights Respecting Schools
Article 7 – birth registration, name, nationality, care.
Every child has the right to be registered at birth, to have a name and nationality, and, as far as possible, to know and be cared for by their parents.
Introduction Thinking Question – How can your name and nationality be respected? Discuss your answers with an adult.
Complete one of the following activities:
- Create a sign with your name on – this could be with paper and pen, paint or a collage with indoor or outdoor materials.
- Can you write an acrostic poem with your name and words that describe you?
- Draw an identity hand! Draw around one of your hands, write your full name in the thumb area, in the next finger, write your date of your birth, put the country you call home in the next finger. Then in the last two fingers, write the names of two adults who are important for you, like you parents, carers or grandparents. Draw the flag of your nationality on the palm. Finish your picture with your favourite colours or designs. Share these with your class and teachers.
Health and Wellbeing
This week we have selected a range of fun, circus themed activities you can choose from in the attached grid. Please complete two of the listed activities.
Health and Wellbeing – The Circus Grid
Create your own picture of a circus tent following this YouTube tutorial.
Draw the circus tent in the middle of your picture. When you have finished create a pattern with bright colours to colour your circus tent. Next, think about what you can add to your picture in the foreground e.g. clowns juggling, trapeze artists balancing on each other or different circus animals. Add the details of your setting such as the sky and features of the landscape. Remember to post your work on our MS Teams page or Twitter. We would love to see your final drawings!
Class Check-In
Our class check in will take place at 2pm on Tuesday. We had more of our class join us last week. It would be great to have more pupils join us this week. We will play another fun game this week following our check in. Please remember to check in with your teachers at least once a week via google email, Twitter or our MS Teams page.
Health Week
Just to remind everyone that information regarding Health Week will be posted on the new Health Week page on the website. Please check it out!
We hope you all have a great week.