Friday 26th June
- 1.45 P7s Leavers’ Assembly. Parents / Carers welcome.
Monday 29th June
- P7 Trip to Moray Leisure Centre and Pinz Bowling. Pupils should wear school uniform on the top but may wear casual trousers. Pupils need to bring a snack, drink and a packed lunch. Please see letter for more information.
- a.m. M&M Theatrical Productions present “Charlotte’s Web” to all P1-6 pupils.
Tuesday 30th June
- P1 trip to Tons of Fun, Turriff. Pupils should wear school uniform on the top but may wear casual trousers. Pupils will need a snack, drink and packed lunch. Please see letter for more information.
Thursday 2nd July
- School closes for all pupils at 2.30p.m.