P2 and P3 have been investigating shadows. We went out in the playground in the morning and drew round our shadows. When we went back out after lunch our shadows had changed place and were shorter.
Primary 3 will keep parents and carers up to date with their learning through use of our blog page.
I am sure we will all have a busy year and we look forward to sharing our learning with you.
Wishing p3/4 and their families a great holiday. Thank you for reading our blog throughout the session. Thanks also for all the lovely gifts.
Best wishes
Mrs Butterly
The children wanted a chance to write the blog themselves this week to let you know about some of the things they have been learning recently.
I wrote a report on the bike accident. Kyle
We painted a seascape picture of light reflecting on the water. Bailey
We wrote an imaginative story about our shadows. Bethany
We painted cherry blossom trees. Kaidey
We shone a torch on every material to see if it would work. Nicole
We painted cherry blossom trees. Keiran
We are learning about light and sound. Skye
We have found out about sound in videos. Joel
We have been doing a bush telegraph. Max
We are making a poster about quiet sounds and loud noises. Sam
We are doing light and sound and we can do experiments.
We made shadow puppets and we made a show. Sienna
We wrote instructions on how to do an experiment to see if light shines through every material. Kian
We have being doing art with paint. Maddison
At art we have made paint patterns. Eryn
In art I made a picture of a boat on a sea scape. Kaiden
We have been shining light through different materials. Marley
We printed a house. Connor
We went outside and drew around our shadows. Blair
We went around the playground to listen to different sounds. Tyler
We got crocodile clips, a light bulb in a holder and a battery. In our groups our challenge was to find a way to make the bulb light up. We tried different ways. We discovered that we had to connect one end of the crocodile clip to the metal part of the bulb holder. The other end had to be connected to the battery.We had to do the same with another crocodile clip. We had made a circuit.
We drew pictures of clowns and used the bulbs to give them a shiny nose.
Weather permitting the school sports will be held on 27th May for both the P3 children in the morning and the P4 children in the afternoon. There will be no swimming on that day unless it rains and the event has to be cancelled. The children should bring their PE and swimming kits to school with them on Wednesday. Thank you.
In our groups we did an experiment to see if light gets through all materials. Sienna
We sorted our materials into three piles. Connor
We predicted which materials would let light through easily, which ones would let some light through and which ones would not. Kaidey and Bailey
We then shone the torch through the materials. Nicole
We matched the materials with the headings. Kian
We recorded our results.
Kyle, Keiran and Marley made a poster during Literacy to show what we had done.
It has been another busy week in P3/4. The children are enjoying their swimming lessons. If any family members are free to join us in the pool we would be very grateful for your help. As some of the children are still seven years old we need helpers in the pool.
We have also been practising for our sports day and we are hoping for good weather on 27th May.
In writing we produced information posters about keeping safe in the sun. In context work the children had been learning about the dangers of the sun and some ways we can stay healthy. We used what we had learned to make bright, colourful posters giving lots of information on the subject.
In Music we were learning to play the xylophone with Mrs Norman.