
As we approach the end of term in school there are often staffing changes in school and Millbank is no exception. At the end of term we will be saying goodbye to Miss Mowat and Miss Wojcik. They applied for jobs and have been successful. Miss Mowat has been appointment as PT at Portknockie Primary and Mrs Wojcikis leaving to teach at Portessie. I am sure like me you will wish them well in their new jobs. Adverts have been placed for a full time teacher and a part time teacher. Hopefully appointments will be made before the end of term.

Our janitor Mr Wood retired at the end of May and our new janitor Mr Clutterbuck started at the beginning of June.

Over the past year there have been significant staff changes at Millbank and I think this has meant that things are done differently and led to communication not being as robust as it should be. I started this blog to help with communication and also Millbank Matters was started by the Parent Council to assist parents . Please understand that we are endeavouring to keep everyone as informed as possible.

We also have an online survey at the moment; so far only 68  people have responded we would really like some more people to complete the survey please it can be found at

We welcome your feedback and suggestions we also accept thank you if you think that what we are doing is going well.