Millbank Re- furbishment


Dear Parent/Carer


Following the refurbishment meetings yesterday led by G Jarvis, N Goodchild and F Grant, I thought it would be useful to clarify a few points.


  • The refurbishment of Millbank Primary is an exciting opportunity for our school. The money for the project is linked to the condition of the school, for example, the roof, heating, etc. The money cannot be used to replace our existing whiteboards.
  • The Nursery will be decanted to Lady Cathcart on 26 May 2015 for the duration of the project. The security of the building has been assessed and essential works will be completed before Nursery classes commence there.
  • Contact with the Nursery will still be through the school telephone number – 01542 831113.
  • Parking at Lady Cathcart is very limited so please be aware of this at drop off and pick up times. Nursery can be flexible and drop off can be between 0850 and 0910h.
  • The hall and main reception areas including my office will be out of use from August 2015 – November 2015.
  • Hot meals will continue to be served in another location of the school.
  • Because of the hall being out of use we will have to look at ideas for the successful delivery of PE. If you have any ideas please let us know.

The time ahead is an exciting and no doubt challenging one for the community of Millbank Primary School.  We need your help, understanding and ideas so please support us through the Parent Council.


PE kit

Thank you to all the parents who responded to the consultation ref kit for PE activities. The consultation closed at the end of April and the results are as follows. 91 Returns were made and 38 agreed that the dress code should be a plain t-shirt and shorts 53 disagreed.

So for next year there will be no change to the type of kit that the children can wear for PE at school. Thank you for taking the time to respond to this consultation your voice is important to the way we shape the future of Millbank Primary.

Tomorrow the 13th May there is an opportunity to attend an information session about the refurbishment at Millbank Primary. There are 2 identical sessions the first is from 3.30pm-4.30pm then the second from 5.30pm -6.30pm. These sessions will be let by the project manager Mrs Fiona Grant.