Pupil Voice

As part of on going consultation here are some of the issues raised  by the pupils of Millbank Primary.

The pupils council said that it isn’t fair that if you are the last class in the school dinner queue you only get 1 choice

Following discussion with the cook and the school meals service coloured bands were introduced.

impact- this has resulted in all pupils getting their meal of choice and less waste most days in the canteen.

The pupils asked if they could have a longer playtime in the morning

As part of the consultation before Christmas 5 minutes was added to morning playtime.

impact children say they enjoy playtime more

The pupils asked if they could have a Christmas Light as all the other schools had one in Buckie.

This was raised at a recent Parent Council meeting and they are considering it. A recent vote around the school confirmed that the pupils would really like to have a light.

impact the pupils feel listened too.

A focus group of pupils and parents visited a  Banff Primary to pick up new ideas for our school.

They fed back ideas which I feedback to the design team.

Some of their ideas such as the storage cupboards opening into the hall have been added to the design

Impact- children have a say in the future of Millbank School