Feedback from Parents

Since taking over the head teachers post at Millbank I have been asking for feedback from parents and carers. I am pleased to say that some people are eager to make suggestions.I want to update you on progress

You asked if a meeting could be arranged for parents to discuss the refurbishment

 Fiona Grant (project manager) will hold 2 meetings at Millbank Primary on the 13th May one from 3.30pm-4.30pm and the second is from 5.30pm-6.30pm. These will be identical meetings and an opportunity to ask questions about the refurbishment of the school.

You asked if the adult helpers in the playground could wear highvis vests at break and lunch times.

On Tuesday 17th March  it was announced at assembly that all playground helpers would wear high vis vests from now on.

You asked if there could be more adults in our playground.

The DHT and I are looking at ways we can reorganise existing staff to facilitate this if at all possible.

You asked if all the children who behave at Millbank can be rewarded.

Accepted behaviour is what we expect at Millbank; since I arrived we have introduced the golden ticket system and revised the behaviour policy. This is something that we will as a school have to return to in the future to ensure that we are encouraging all children to be tolerant of each other.

Please keep your suggestions and ideas for improving our school coming in.

Working together means that we achieve more.