February post


Contact details

Can I remind those of you who haven’t done so already to ensure you advise the school office of changes to any contact numbers as on the back of this page you will see our procedures for Adverse Weather. It is vital that we have the most up-to-date information for all emergency contacts.

P7 Abernethy trip

May I wish the P7 pupils a fun and exhilarating experience from their upcoming trip to Abernethy. I’m sure they will have lots of fun and have plenty of stories to share with us on their return.

Absence reporting

It is important that you call everyday that your child is absent from school. If you know your child will be off more than one day please state this when you call.


We are trying to raise money for new resources in school if you have any fundraising ideas please join our parents council sub committee. There is a meeting on the 18th February at 3pm.