Category Archives: S1 Modern Studies

S1 Scotland as Nation Report Modern Studies

Instructions sheet: Scotland as a Nation Writing Sheet

Your Modern Studies section of your Scotland as  Nation report is due in on the following dates:

Miss Begbie’s Monday class – 22nd February

Miss Begbie’s Friday class – TBC

Your report should be written/printed on a separate sheet of paper and include the following:


•Scottish Identity vs British Identity

– what do you think it means to be Scottish?

– what do the public think?

•The Scottish Parliament and Devolved and Reserved Powers

–When was the Parliament  created?

–What are the devolved and reserved powers – give examples of each

•The Independence Debate

– arguments for and against

– The Smith Commission Recommendations/The Scotland Bill


Each section should be at least a paragraph, but try to include as much detail and evidence as you can.  Look back through your notes in your jotter to find more detail.


You can download the powerpoint from class here: Scotland as a Nation BLOG

If you are missing sections of work or would like to go over any of the topics we covered in class again you could use the following internet activities or summary sheets:

Activity sheet for the Scottish Parliament: How the Scottish Parliament works Activity

Powerpoint on Scottish Identity: What_Makes_Scotland_Scottish Sample (1)

Devolved and Reserved Powers (Handout)

Arguments for and against(Handout from sorting task)

If you want to conduct any extra research to help answer these questions you could visit the following websites:

BBC – Scotland’s Future

BBC – The Formula for Scottishness

Child Labour in 2014

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Your report on Child Labour is due to be handed in before the end of term.

Find the instruction sheet here: S1 Child Labour Assessment Task HANDOUT

If you want to go back over the powerpoint we used in class you can access  it here: Child Labour REPORT

Find out more?

Complete extra research at home to add to your report.  The below sites might help you to do this:

Interactive Map of Child Labour Around the World

Fighting child labour in Peru

Missed Class?

If you missed class or have lost your notes you can access the powerpoint and video links that we used in class here:   Child labour Case Studies.

Remember that your report is due in before the end of term!

Come and see me at lunchtimes if you need any extra help,

Miss B