Category Archives: Dates for the Diary

Dates for diary

Dates for the Diary   Issued February 2014


26th             Parent /Children Appointments


5th               Seven Up Club starts for P7s in SHS

Dates for the Diary Issued February 2014 February 26th Parent /Children Appointments March 5th Seven Up Club starts for P7s in SHS 14th Parent Council Auction 17th Science and Engineering Week starts 20th P6 and P7 got to Elgin for Science festival 25th Open Afternoon 28th Last day of school April 14th Back to School 16th P7s Transition Earthtime Activity at Knockando

14th              Parent Council Auction

17th              Science and Engineering Week starts

20th             P6 and P7 got to Elgin for Science festival

25th             Open Afternoon

28th             Last day of school


14th              Back to School

16th              P7s Transition Earthtime Activity at Knockando

January – March Dates


Mon 13th       Creativity Open Afternoon 2.30pm -3.30pm. All welcome

Thu 16th        Dental Screening for P1 and P7

Mon 20th       Skiers away

Wed 22nd       Parent Council Meeting 7pm. Please come

Tue 28th        P7 transition “Bike Revolution” event in school.


Fri 7th            Unicef Day for Change – details to follow

                   Parent Council Quiz Night (provisional date)

Fri 14th                   Holiday

Mon 17th       Holiday

Wed 26th       Parent and Children Evening to discuss learning 5pm- 7pm


Fri 14th                   Parent Council Auction

Mon 17th       Science and Engineering week starts – would anyone like to volunteer?

Thu 27th        Children’s Annual Reports issued

Dates for Diary November


14th              Open Evening 6pm -7pm All welcome

18th              Inservice School closed to pupils

19th              Inservice School Closed to pupils

20th              Bags2School Collection


11th              Panto at Eden Court

12th              School Christmas Lunch – info to follow

18th              Christmas Concert 6.30 for 7pm followed by festive fayre All Welcome

19th              Children’s Christmas Party – all children home at 3.15pm

20th              Christmas Service at Inveravon Church with Glenlivet Primary School 10am

                   All welcome

                   School closes usual times for pupils.


6th                Term Starts 

May 2013

                    Dates for the Diary    May  2013


Tuesday 21st           SHS English Teacher visit to P7

Thursday 23rd       Sponsored Walk 9am – all welcome


Friday 24th            P6/P7 School Nurse Living and Growing Talk

                             Parent Council Quiz   6.30pm

Thursday 30th        Hopscotch Theatre Company performance

Friday 31st             P1 Induction 9.30 – 12noon

                             P6/P7 School Nurse Living and Growing Talk


Monday 3rd            Local Holiday

Friday 7th              P7 Boys Mock Election at Knockando

                             P1 Induction 9.30 -12 noon

Friday 14th             P1 Induction 9.30 –12 noon

Monday17th           P7 visit SHS

Tuesday 18th           Sports Day at Glenlivet Hall 1.30pm

Thursday 20th        P7 visit SHS

Friday 21st             P1 Induction 9.30 – lunchtime.

                              Parent council Midsummer BBQ


Tuesday 2nd  School Trip

Thursday 4th          Leaver’s Assembly 11am

Friday 5th              Last Day of Term School Closes at 2pm

Update: Dates for Diary



Mon  15th                           Back to School

Fri  19th                              Parent Council Quiz Night

Tue 23rd                             Edinburgh Trippers leave


Fr 3rd                                 Reports Out

Mon  6th                             May Day Holiday

Tue 14th                              Parent Council Meeting

Thu   16th                           Inservice

Fri     17th                           Inservice

Thu 30th                             Hopscotch Theatre Company


Mon 3rd                             Local Holiday

Mon 17th                            P7 visit Speyside High

Thu  20th                           P7 visit Speyside High

Fri 21st                               Parent Council BBQ


Thur 4th                              Leavers Assembly

Fri 5th                                 Last day of term

March update – Dates for Diary

                    Dates for the Diary    March  2013


Thursday 14th         Parent and Children’s  Appointments 3.30pm – 6pm

Wednesday 27th     P7 visit from SHS English Teacher

Friday 29th            Good Friday Holiday and start of Easter Holidays


Monday 16th           Back to school

Friday 19th             Parent Council Quiz


Monday 6th             Holiday

Tuesday 14th           NHS Grow well choices P4-7

                             Parent Council Meeting

Thursday 16th         Inservice

Friday17th             Inservice

Thursday 30th        Hopscotch Theatre Company performance


Monday17th           P7 visit SHS

Thursday 20th        P7 visit SHS

Friday 21st             Parent council Midsummer BBQ


Thursday 4th          Leaver’s Assembly 11am

Term 3 Dates for the Diary

                    Dates for the Diary    January 2013


21st – 25th              Ski Residential


Friday 8th              Bring and Buy  Sale

Thursday 14th         Chill and Chat 2pm

Friday 15th             Mid term holiday

Monday 18th           Mid term holiday

Tuesday 26th Childsmile Fluoride Varnishing

Parent Council

The next meeting is at the school on Wednesday February 27th at 7pm.

Please come along.


Friday 1st               Coffee Morning

Thursday 14th         Parent and Children’s Appointments 3.30pm – 6pm

Friday 29th            Good Friday Holiday and start of Easter Holidays