The Green Ambassadors have stopped until spring time as well, because on a Tuesday afternoon Mrs Wright takes them for fun games instead.
All posts by Mrs Duncan
John Muir
Term 3 Dates for the Diary
Dates for the Diary January 2013
21st – 25th Ski Residential
Friday 8th Bring and Buy Sale
Thursday 14th Chill and Chat 2pm
Friday 15th Mid term holiday
Monday 18th Mid term holiday
Tuesday 26th Childsmile Fluoride Varnishing
Parent Council
The next meeting is at the school on Wednesday February 27th at 7pm.
Please come along.
Friday 1st Coffee Morning
Thursday 14th Parent and Children’s Appointments 3.30pm – 6pm
Friday 29th Good Friday Holiday and start of Easter Holidays
November News letter
November 2012
Dear Parents and Carers,
I have to start this newsletter with an apology. I realised today that I have not notified you about the parents evening this week…………..aaagh! I am really sorry and I can only blame old age and forgetfulness. Thankfully Mrs Mailer picked up on this and sent a wee note home in the children’s homework diaries yesterday. I hope this does not inconvenience anyone and that you will all be able to come along despite the very short notice. Again I am really sorry.
Parents Open Evening Thursday November 15th 6pm -7pm
The children have planned which of their learning activities they really want you to see and you will be able to try out some of the things they do in class. Each child has made up a wee quiz for you and the answers will be found on the wall displays and in the children’s pukka pads so it will be quite an informal evening. Teas and coffees will be available in the hall and I look forward to seeing you there. If you would like to speak to Mrs Mailer or myself about anything specific regarding your child’s progress please call the school and we can organise a time for you to come in. As you know our door is always open.
Parent Council News
The auction last Friday night was a huge success and I think the final total of just under a thousand pounds astonished everybody. Well done to the members of the Parent Council for all their hard work and also to the staff who gave up their time and helped out on the night. Many thanks to everyone who donated goods and also to all those who came along and bought things.
There was a happy buzz in the hall and a lot of stuff but surprisingly we were left with very little. The teas, coffees and cakes were well received and what was left was auctioned off. Great stuff!
As you know this fundraiser was important to boost the coffers of the Parent Council so that they/you can continue to provide a fantastic level of support to the children in the school. It is this support which makes the point of difference between us being able to provide the broad general education which Inveravon is known for or not. By taking the children out and about on trips and getting specialists in to work with the children, e.g Pamela Younie for dance which the children just love, we can maintain and develop the high quality of learning experiences which earned us an excellent report from HMI last year. So on behalf of the children I extend a huge thanks to you all.
Illness and Viruses
There is a nasty vomiting bug on the go at the moment so in order to limit the spread of this can you please keep your child at home if you are in any doubt. Early symptoms are headache, sore tummy etc. If your child does succumb please remember that 48 hours needs to have passed since the last sickness or upset tummy episode before they can come back to school. Adhering to this is our best chance of avoiding it sweeping through everyone.
Our thoughts are now turning towards the festive season and the children have made an early start to learning some traditional Christmas songs in preparation for our annual and much loved concert. Mrs Allison Ghillies who teaches the recorder is helping us with this on a voluntary basis and we are extremely grateful to her for giving up her free time.
I am issuing a Dates for the Diary at the end of this newsletter for you all to stick to your fridge door (I will be putting my one somewhere prominent too I can assure you!)
In the meantime I hope you are all well and I look forward to seeing you soon.
Kind Regards
Head Teacher
Inveravon Primary School
Bring and Buy Sale!
Pupils of Inveravon Primary are hosting a Bring and Buy sale on Friday the 8th of February. The sale will begin at 10am and finish at 12 noon. All donations will be gratefully received before then. Books, games, jewellery….anything at all! There will also be a home baking stall for all the budding bakers amongst us. The money that is raised will go towards our Micro- Tyco challenge.
Micro – Tyco
The topic for this term will be Micro –Tyco. In short it is an enterprise challenge which takes place during the month of February. After much discussion and research the pupils held a vote on whether they would like to participate. The pupils voted overwhelmingly in favour. They thought it would be a good learning experience and the money raised would go towards helping others in the developing world. So far the pupils have registered and received their £1. With this seed £1 they have to think of and carry out a fundraising event. Hopefully a profit will be made and the £1 will grow. For further information the website to access is For this to be a success we desperately need your help. If you have any good fund raising ideas or could offer your services in any way we would be delighted to hear from you. We would like to raise as much money as possible! |
Robert Burns
Today with Mrs McCann we were talking about Robert Burns.
We spoke about what happens at a Burns Supper , what you would eat and what would you wear?
We all went in to groups and made a mind map of what we knew about Robbert Burns and how do we celebrate him?
We all had a try of making our own Tartan also.