Mrs Mailer’s Newsletter

Literacy and English

Our writing this term will focus on letter and report writing.  Children will be writing formal letters to local businesses and writing reports about events that have taken place such as the Bring and Buy sale. Most of the writing will be linked to our topic – Micro Tyco.

Group reading sessions will be carried out twice or three times a week, involving the children reading either in pairs, with Mrs Smith, the teacher or classroom assistant.

Spelling and phonic lessons and activities will continue twice a week and children will continue to receive weekly spelling homework tasks. To help pupils learn their spelling words they can either write them out twice and ask someone to test them or if they learn the words better by being creative then they can do so.

Listening and Talking will play an important part in this terms topic. Pupils will be encouraged to listen to the suggestions and ideas of others then make group decisions

Eco Schools / Enterprise

Mrs Ferguson and Mrs Lawson will continue to work with the pupils every Tuesday on Eco Schools. Climate week starts on the 4thMarch. We will be having lots of related activities. To begin with pupils will design badges which will represent super powers. These will help pupils be aware of climate change and encourage them to think about how it can be reduced .On every second Tuesday of the month pupils will make a healthy snack. The first one will be on Shrove Tuesday and pupils have decided to make fruity pancakes.

Science / Engineering

Inveravon will be taking part in the National Science and Engineering week in March this year.  The theme for this week is Inventions. Children will be taking part in lots of related activities throughout the week and there may even be some new inventions created!

As part of their continual learning, pupils will participate in weekly science challenges in which they will be encouraged to observe, predict and investigate. The aim is for pupils to learn how science relates to our everyday lives and inspire our budding scientists with fun and participative activities.

Numeracy and Mathematics

Mental maths strategies will continue to be a major focus this term where children will be actively encouraged to explain their thinking.  The children are learning about time and then moving onto the topic of money.  All pupils have identified areas they feel they need to focus on and get better at when learning about time. To support their learning, pupils could read clocks, watches and calculate durations at home.


Children will be given daily opportunities to enhance their learning through ICT.  Pupils are developing their literacy and maths skills through Education City at home and school. If there are any difficulties accessing this at home please inform us.Sumdog has been a very successful programme in challenging pupils to improve their numeracy skills. As part of the Mico – Tyco challenge pupils will record evidence of their progress by using the school’s digital and flip cameras. The photos and videos will be downloaded onto the school blog so that we can all share in the excitement.

Health and Wellbeing /

The P7s have recently returned back from a fun-packed and snowy trip to Abernethy. Much fun and new experiences were had by all. After listening to all the stories the younger pupils can’t wait for their turn! The topic for this term will be Micro –Tyco. Attached to this letter is a leaflet explaining what Micro-Tyco is! In short it is an enterprise challenge, which takes place during the month of February. After much discussion and research the pupils held a vote on whether they would like to participate. The pupils voted overwhelmingly in favour.  They thought it would be a good learning experience and the money raised would go towards helping others in the developing world. So far the pupils have registered and received their £1. With this seed £1 they have to think of and carry out a fundraising event. Hopefully a profit w ill be made and the £1 will grow. For further information the website to access is

For this to be a success we desperately need your help. If you have any good fund raising ideas or could offer your services in any way we would be delighted to hear from you. We would like to raise as much money as possible!

All pupils will continue to receive P.E. lessons with Mrs Mitchell every Friday and with Mrs Wright every Tuesday. Please ensure pupils have an appropriate change of clothes and a water bottle every day at school.

In addition, P5s will continue to receive recorder lessons from Mrs Gillis every Tuesday and all pupils will receive music lessons from Mrs Cook every Thursday this term.


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