Dear Parents and Children,
Well we got another good day for the sponsored walk as it was neither too hot nor too cold and most importantly it stayed dry! A brisk pace was kept up and everyone completed the walk with a cheery smile and a great sense of satisfaction. Well done! The children came back into school looking a wee bit tired though but happy with it. It was great to see some parents and some pets joining the children too so thanks to those of you who came along. Many thanks also to Colin for providing the transport for us yet again.
We have over £100 in sponsor money so far so please be sure to bring it in as soon as possible. Thank you.
A few Sundays ago we managed to work wonders on the playground and really smartened it up ready for the summer days. A huge thank you to everyone who came along and contributed their time, muscle power and resources…..we really do hugely appreciate it and the school looks so much smarter as a result.
Life in the polytunnel is fairly picking up and there is a lot of growing going on. The children are conducting experiments at the same time which look at different growing conditions and the speed of plant growth and development. They are extremely proud of the cucumber which has just emerged although it’s a bit tricky to measure at the moment as it is just SO teeny weeny! However I am sure that it will grow well and cucumber sandwiches will be the order of the day soon enough!
All we need to do now is to persuade the rabbits to dine elsewhere and we will get the sweet peas and some vegetables transplanted to the newly dug over beds and borders.
Our In-service days were productive and we spent some time auditing our curriculum to ensure that we are providing the best possible experiences for the children. The feedback from the reports and also the wee questionnaire we sent out indicate that you are all happy with what is happening here. (If you haven’t already returned the parental comment section of the reports or the questionnaire can I gently remind you to do this and get them back to us.)
The staff from Dyke primary school also joined us for an afternoon as they are interested in how we are developing Interdisciplinary Learning.
It was great to welcome colleagues and to share our approaches with them. It’s just a wee shame that the children weren’t around to speak to them about it as they are the best ambassadors for Inveravon and the way we do things here. The children refer to the school as “Inverawesome” which is indeed a great recommendation!
The big “Clear Out” is still ongoing and we have all spent many hours sorting through resources and deciding what to keep and what to put out. Gradually though we are beginning to win the battle and the GP room is slowly emptying. We plan to remove shelves so that we can create a child friendly/interactive learning wall and will then get a new carpet fitted. The barer the room gets the more obvious the need for redecoration becomes. In fact I can’t remember that room ever being painted in all the time I have been in the school (a year or two…..) so it is long overdue. I will purchase paint and am looking for one or two volunteers to give over a couple of hours to help with the painting. Give me a call at the school if you think you can help with this and we can try to arrange times etc.
Transition time is upon is and the P7s are out and about meeting and greeting future classmates at various locations throughout Speyside and are looking forward to the three days planned at Speyside High. The new intake of P1 children, Rosie and Joel, will be joining us here at Inveravon on Thursdays 4th, 11th, 18th and 25th of June from 9am -11am on each of the days where they will get a flavour of what it will be like for them when they join the class after the summer holidays. They are of course most welcome to join us for the treasure hunt, sports day and leavers assembly.
Sports Day is set for Friday June 12th at the Glenlivet Hall Park. You are all very welcome and indeed actively encouraged to come along and to cheer the children on. Start time is 1.30pm and you will get a form from Mrs Bassett soon to indicate whether you will be taking your child home from the sports or otherwise. (The back-up date for the sports in the “unlikely” event of rain is Wednesday June 17th.
You will all be donning your thinking caps on Friday June 19th as you try to solve the clues on the Treasure Hunt which Mrs Lawson and myself will be making up for you to enjoy. It was great nights last year followed by the barbecue so do please try to come along and join in the fun and just spend time with us all in the school community. The children always really enjoy such events and like to do them with their parents.
Hankies will be at the ready on Tuesday June 30th as we get together for the last time with our P7 children James and Rebecca for our Leavers Assembly. No doubt it will involve a trip down nostalgia lane for many of us as we recall the good times we have shared over the years! You are all very welcome and teas / coffees will be available at 10.30am if you would like to join us for that prior to the assembly starting.
Our summer trip this year sees us heading to the Highland Folk Museum on Wednesday July 1st. The children will need a packed lunch and they will all be home together with Colin on the 3.15pm bus. I just know that the sun is going to shine that day, but in the event that it doesn’t please make sure the children have sturdy footwear and a waterproof jacket. This is Scotland after all!
The session ends on Thursday July 2nd at 2pm with all children going home at that time
I leave you on this slightly cool and pretty unseasonable May afternoon with best wishes for a great weekend. Remember there is no school on Monday as it is a local holiday!
Kind Regards