Minuets from Eco Meeting

Inveravon Primary Eco Group



Record of Meeting February 25th



Fraser, Kole, James, Sam, Alyce, Sinead, Niamh

Anna, Olivia, Zander, Mrs Lawson, Mrs Smith.

Matters arising from minutes.

Time is very tight during our meetings so it was decided that the tasks from the Feb 4th meeting were to be completed by the children in either class or their own time and brought to the next meeting.

Additional task undertaken by Fraser and Alyce to compose a ditty to encourage the public also to be aware of paper blow on windy days.

Mrs Smith informed the pupils that she had registered the school for the Big Spring Clean Up.

It was decided to combine it with our annual sponsored walk in May and that we would litter pick along the Speyside Way.

Litter pickers and high viz vests to be sent from keep Scotland Beautiful. 

Date Thursday May 15th

Planning for Assessor Visit

Revisited the Action Plan to remind ourselves of what we had done.

Grew: Carrots, broadbeans, courgette, sweetpeas, bulbs in tubs

Display boards to show our learning on

Climate Week

Living Machine

Powerpoint? iMovie to show photographs and captions about our journey of planting, sowing, growing, weeding, picking etc.

Need to rethink bird feeding commitment – maintain

Mrs Lawson to use B&Q voucher to  purchase

Sweetpea seeds and pots

Bird feeders and seeds 2 for peanuts and 2 for wild bird seed

Mrs Duncan to help children add Eco minutes and info to school blog on return from sick leave

Children would like to see Milkshake Mondays and/or Toasty Tuesdays reinstated.  Mrs Smith described some of the previous issues which needed to be addressed. Happily  all felt there was a way round these and that it would be raised at a later meeting.

We had no time to discuss the ER so it will appear on the next agenda.

Breaking News – Toby arrived with news that one of the salmon eggs had hatched! 






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