March news letter


 March 2014

 Dear Parents and Children,

 We continue to be blessed by brilliant weather which has definitely shortened the winter for us all. I have only had to grit the playground and car park once this year so we have a significant surplus of salt and grit. That will be a wee saving on the budget next year as we won’t have to order any…..every little helps!

 It is hard to believe that we are nearly at the end of yet another term and that the Easter holidays are once again upon us. I hope you are all planning some fun things to do. I am looking forward to spending time with Arianna who at the grand age of two is highly entertaining. On her visit to my brother’s farm this weekend she was heard to say to the new lambs “Allo Lambie….whats your name?” Aw bless…….She is also very active and always on the go so I have to work hard to keep up with her. Can’t wait though!

 Open Afternoon

We are really looking forward to seeing you all tomorrow for our open afternoon. We hope to start at 1.30 promptly with the premier of the i movie which has captured the learning for this term. Then the children will lead you through some activities and presentations which will give you a flavour of what the learning experiences look like and feel like for the children. The afternoon will be rounded off in the classroom with teas, coffees and home bakes while you browse the children’s work and you will be sent home with a copy of your child’s report. They are awesome again this year and tell such great stories about the amazing learning that has been happening in Inveravon Primary.

Development of School Grounds

This can now become a reality thanks to the very generous donation of £1300 from Glenfiddich Distillery.  This was gifted to the Parent Council following a request to the distillery via Brian Robinson and on behalf of everyone in the school community I would like to extend our thanks to the “Local Employee Forum” of Glenfiddich Distillery.   

 It is a tremendous boost and means we can hire in a digger to scoop out the ground up the back of the school to create a designated wetland area and can now afford to have a wooden platform made to provide a safe and dry route over it. We have plans to create a signed walkway which could be used as an educational experience for visitors to the area. The children will of course be involved at every stage during their weekly eco sessions with Mrs Lawson and the staff.

 If you would like to help us out we would be very grateful of an extra pair of hands or any expertise you may have. This has been a long time in the planning and I am really excited to think that it is coming to fruition at last.

 Science and Engineering Week

Last week saw science and engineering activities taking prominence in our curriculum On Tuesday morning the children rose to the challenge of making the Tallest Tower using a specific amount of Knex pieces. This was organised by Ann Larkham the Knex Generation Ambassador in Scotland. The winners were Kole and Olivia whose tower was a stupendous 133cm high! Everyone is to be congratulated for effort and perseverance and it was good to see such great team working and cooperation.

The children in P6 and P7 joined their peers from Knockando on Thursday to attend the  Science Festival in Elgin. While they are away Mrs Macdonald kindly volunteered her services again to carry out some experiments with the children in

 P1 – 5.

 The week was due to culminate with a visit from the Eco Schools Green Flag assessor to see what the children have been doing since we were awarded our last green flag. However that had to be postponed at the very last minute and will now take place this Wednesday.  Busy Busy!

 Environmental Awareness

Our salmon eggs have all hatched and are doing well in their wee fridge at the back of the classroom. We monitor the temperature daily and make sure the water is clean by removing those which have not survived. Currently they are still feeding off their yolk sacks but are due to be released on Wednesday March 26th. If you would like to join the ceremonial march down the road to the burn then please join us. We will advise you of the time on Tuesday.

 School Education  Review and Staffing Update

 The debate about the education review rumbles on and another meeting has been called for Parent Councils to attend in April. Please try to find the time to complete the Moray Council survey and the Inveravon Parent Council Survey as your opinions are important.

 The good news this week is that the position of Principal Teacher, which has been vacant since Mrs Ducrocq left us at the end of her maternity leave, is now going to be advertised. This has been filled by Miss Smith on a temporary basis for this session.

It would be my hope that the post is filled before the end of the summer term which will remove at least one uncertainty.

 School closes at usual times on Friday March 29th for two weeks and reopens on Monday April 14th and then we are off again on Good Friday April 18th.

 Kind Regards

 Head Teacher

Global citizens and we explore communiaction

This term we are learning to be Global citizens as we explore communication. It all started with a letter from a school in Germany. It asked us to explore the questions, how did people communicate in the past? And what are the Pictish stones that we have in our area?

We started by using the 3, 2, 1 bridge tool which is 3 thoughts, 2 questions and 1 example of what we thought communication was.

This then lead on to us researching about the Picts and their life style in the 300th and 400th Century. The pictures on the Pictish stone were a form of communication. We think the symbols on the stones were telling stories of every day life and war.

We then looked at the Vikings as they came after the Picts. They came from Scandinavia and attacked Britain from the North. The language they spoke was Norse. They then settled here as the ground was more fertile and they grow their crops to survive. We don’t all speak Norse because the Viking’s took our language as their own as they started to live with the Saxon’s who spoke English.

Our learning than moved on to Technology. We made a report about technologies in the past to present times, which included the change of the postal service in 1939 -1940 which is still the postal service we have today. China in 105 BC invented the first newspaper. In 1923 Vladimir Zworykin invented the first TV camera. The facts we learned were very interesting as we thought life must have been hard in the olden days to now.

We have been very lucky to be able to have had visitors from all over the world. Jenny Hoff comes in once a week to teach us German words and songs, she makes it really fun to learn.

Also he had Summer, who came from China and she shared how very different a life it is over there as children go to school from 7 am in the morning and finish at 9 pm at night and this is for primary 1 – 7 and secondary school. It was the opinion of all our class that we didn’t want to go to China until we were adults! We also learned that they have 2 different ways one was to talk using prompts when they were small and when they were older they had to learn write using totally different symbols, she told us there was thousand of Chinese symbols to learn.

Mrs Dolina Roy also came and shared with us her experiences of living on a hebridean Isle of Barra. We learned that they only have 1 plane a day to bring people and supplies in the winter months and 2 in the summer. The Island is only 6 miles by 8 miles. We learned that on Barra they speak Gaelic. When Mrs Roy was at school she only spoke Gaelic when she started and had to learn English, she found this hard as her parent’s didn’t speak any English.

Our learning is still ongoing as we are learning more different ways of communicating.   

Written By

Zander P5 and Olivia P4

Dates for diary

Dates for the Diary   Issued February 2014


26th             Parent /Children Appointments


5th               Seven Up Club starts for P7s in SHS

Dates for the Diary Issued February 2014 February 26th Parent /Children Appointments March 5th Seven Up Club starts for P7s in SHS 14th Parent Council Auction 17th Science and Engineering Week starts 20th P6 and P7 got to Elgin for Science festival 25th Open Afternoon 28th Last day of school April 14th Back to School 16th P7s Transition Earthtime Activity at Knockando

14th              Parent Council Auction

17th              Science and Engineering Week starts

20th             P6 and P7 got to Elgin for Science festival

25th             Open Afternoon

28th             Last day of school


14th              Back to School

16th              P7s Transition Earthtime Activity at Knockando

February News Letter


February 2014


Dear Parents and Children,

How brilliant is this weather! The lighter mornings followed by sunshine and longer days certainly cheers us all up and brings a smile to our faces. We all have much to be thankful for as we look around and appreciate the beautiful countryside we live in and our community which it nurtures. Even after all these years I never cease to be delighted by the views as I drive to work, particularly as I come up and over the hill at Glenfarclas where the valley opens out before me. Truly awesome! (Even on rainy days)

Looking to the Future

No doubt you will have read the headlines in the Northern Scot as the findings of the Sustainable Education review are shared with you all. Interesting times lie ahead and I urge you all to have your say and respond to the surveys etc. (See link below) We must always remember that these children in our wee school and in our community are the future!  

Life and Work of the School

Life Cycles and how we can help

There was a lot of excitement last week with the arrival of our salmon eggs and the children are really buzzing about the project. We are working with the Spey Fisheries Board to rear salmon eggs which will eventually be released into the burn below Mrs Lawson’s house from where they will make their way to the Spey. I recall doing this many years ago and keeping them cool was a major issue at the time so the tank of eggs ended up in the boiler house as it was the coolest area in the school. It was not too handy for checking them though and we lost quite a lot. These days however they come with their own mini fridge and all the mod cons so they are very comfortable sitting at the back of the classroom where we can keep an eye on them. It will be so exciting seeing them hatching out!




Thinking of others

Our Unicef come as you please day raised about £25 which is great. The children were very thoughtful as they became aware of all the different reasons why so many children across the world don’t have access to education and their reactions and empathy were commendable. Well done everyone.

Getting Out There

Earlier this month Inveravon Primary was the venue for an Outdoor Learning training day which was attended by over 20 teachers from different schools across the authority. The content of the day was good and the delegates were able to make good use of our amazing local environment to plan what Outdoor Learning would look like back at their own schools. All were greatly envious of the wonderful opportunities we have right on our doorstep here where I think it’s fair to say that outdoor learning is embedded. The excellent behaviour of the children was commented on along with the bright and colourful wall displays and overall happy ambience within the school. Big tick for Inveravon!


Progress and Achievement

This week we are looking forward to seeing you all in school with the children to talk to Miss Smith about progress and next steps in learning. This will take the usual format of approximately ten minutes for each child. Can I ask that you all try to take heed of the time allocation in order to avoid the evening running late. (I know how tricky it can be!)   I am sure everyone will have lots to say as there is so much evidence on the walls, in the pukka pads, weekly reflection logs and home/school diaries about the fantastic learning which is taking place in the school and I can’t wait to read the reports.

Spreading the Word

We have had a lot of interest from other schools about how we are developing our topic work, weekly reflection logs and the use of thinking routines.  This means that there are quite a few visitors appearing in the classroom to see what is going on and to speak to the children who take it in their stride and are keen to share what they are doing and how it helps to support their learning.  Happy days!

Our annual Science and Engineering Week starts on Monday March 17th.  I am calling on all the engineers and scientists out there amongst you to come along and talk to the children or carry out some activities which will help them to develop their understanding of some of the basic principles of these two vital areas of the curriculum.

At the moment we have booked a workshop delivered by a representative from K’nex Generation who will investigate tall structures with the whole school. Later in the week on Thursday 20th the children in P6/7 will attend the Science Festival in Elgin.

Mrs MacDonald has kindly agreed to come in to school to work with the rest of the class that morning. As you can see there are plenty of available slots for you to join us.

Rounding off the week on Friday the 21st we will present our Eco activities to Anne Black from Eco Scotland in support of our green Flag application.

Sharing our Learning

Finally there will be an opportunity for you to come along to school on Tuesday March 25th as the children want to share with you all that they have found out about Communicating as 21st Century Global Citizens. I have been fascinated by the work they are doing and find it intriguing how they are linking our Pictish Stones to communication in the present day. Come along and see for yourselves how it’s done as I know you will be amazed!

As I write this newsletter it is a glorious day outside and there is a feeling that spring is in the air. Hopefully we will get out and about even more with the children. With only five weeks until the Easter holidays I am left wondering where on earth the time is going.

I hope life is treating you well and that you are happy and content.  I look forward to seeing you tomorrow and over the next few weeks.

Kind Regards

Mary Smith

Head Teacher

Inveravon Primary


Minuets from Eco Meeting

Inveravon Primary Eco Group



Record of Meeting February 25th



Fraser, Kole, James, Sam, Alyce, Sinead, Niamh

Anna, Olivia, Zander, Mrs Lawson, Mrs Smith.

Matters arising from minutes.

Time is very tight during our meetings so it was decided that the tasks from the Feb 4th meeting were to be completed by the children in either class or their own time and brought to the next meeting.

Additional task undertaken by Fraser and Alyce to compose a ditty to encourage the public also to be aware of paper blow on windy days.

Mrs Smith informed the pupils that she had registered the school for the Big Spring Clean Up.

It was decided to combine it with our annual sponsored walk in May and that we would litter pick along the Speyside Way.

Litter pickers and high viz vests to be sent from keep Scotland Beautiful. 

Date Thursday May 15th

Planning for Assessor Visit

Revisited the Action Plan to remind ourselves of what we had done.

Grew: Carrots, broadbeans, courgette, sweetpeas, bulbs in tubs

Display boards to show our learning on

Climate Week

Living Machine

Powerpoint? iMovie to show photographs and captions about our journey of planting, sowing, growing, weeding, picking etc.

Need to rethink bird feeding commitment – maintain

Mrs Lawson to use B&Q voucher to  purchase

Sweetpea seeds and pots

Bird feeders and seeds 2 for peanuts and 2 for wild bird seed

Mrs Duncan to help children add Eco minutes and info to school blog on return from sick leave

Children would like to see Milkshake Mondays and/or Toasty Tuesdays reinstated.  Mrs Smith described some of the previous issues which needed to be addressed. Happily  all felt there was a way round these and that it would be raised at a later meeting.

We had no time to discuss the ER so it will appear on the next agenda.

Breaking News – Toby arrived with news that one of the salmon eggs had hatched!