August 2013


August 2013


Dear Parents and Children,

Welcome back to you all!

What a lovely summer we have had and the children are all glowing with good health. I was really excited about seeing them all again and it was just great to see them coming through the door this morning. It certainly brought a smile to my face.

I was lucky enough to spend a lot of time with my granddaughter during the holidays. It has been fascinating to see her growing and learning and its hard to believe that she is almost nineteen months old already. Amongst other words she knows she has learned to say “no” which is highly amusing although once or twice she has had to have one of my special “grandma looks” which seem to have worked so far! She is very entertaining though and is coming to stay for a weekend soon which I am very much looking forward to.

New Arrivals

We have a few new faces again this term and we extend a very warm welcome to James Grant as he starts his school life in Primary 1. James came into school this morning just as though he has always been here and has settled brilliantly.

Miss Smith has been in school quite a lot over the holidays and already feels very much at home here. She has been really looking forward to meeting the children and getting to know them all and yourselves too. Miss Smith is a very experienced teacher and has lots of exciting things planned for the children so we are all in for a great year.

Mrs Reid has joined us as classroom assistant and is also really looking forward to being part of the Inveravon community. She too brings a lot of experience and we are all lucky to have her.

In order for us all to get to know each other we are arranging a meet and greet open afternoon on Tuesday September 10th at 2pm where you can come along and have a coffee and a chat with the staff and children together. It will be very informal so please try to join us.


Although we still have funds in the school fund I am keen not to let it dip too low so we are going to organise a fundraising event soon to keep it topped up. This will enable us to get out and about on field trips with the children to extend their education beyond the immediate school environment and also to buy in Pamela Ralph for dance again next term. It would  be good to have another few sessions of Earth Time as well so it is imperative that we keep fundraising. I will get back to you about this but in the meantime  if you have any good fundraising ideas please let me know.


Visiting Teachers

PE – Our PE slot has changed from Friday to a Wednesday afternoon. Mrs Elunid Mitchell will continue as our specialist PE teacher but the children should always bring their PE kit into school on a Monday as we do various activities throughout the week.

ART – Mrs Bremner will come to school every Monday afternoon to work with the children as they develop their art skills. She is very popular with them and they always produce splendid works of art under her careful eye.

After School Clubs

Please note that there will be no Junior Badminton until after the October holidays as both Mrs Lawson and Mr Shewan have sustained injuries. We wish them a speedy recovery and hope that they are not in too much discomfort in the meantime.

Information will follow with regard to the Lego Club

Over the next few weeks and months if there is anything you need to know or discuss with myself or Miss Smith please don’t hesitate to contact us at the school. You are always welcome and you know that I am always delighted to see you.

I hope you continue to enjoy these fine sunny days and that life is treating you well.

Kind Regards

Mrs Mary Smith

Head Teacher

Inveravon Primary

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