1. The human head contains 22 bones.
2. On average, you breathe 23,000 times a day.
3. Breathing generates about 0.6g of CO2 every minute.
4. 55% of people yawn within 5 minutes of seeing someone else yawn.
1. The human head contains 22 bones.
2. On average, you breathe 23,000 times a day.
3. Breathing generates about 0.6g of CO2 every minute.
4. 55% of people yawn within 5 minutes of seeing someone else yawn.
Well here we are with another school year drawing to a close! I can barely believe we have only two weeks to go as in my head it feels like we are just back from the Easter holidays. Ah well they do say that time flies when you are enjoying yourself and luckily for me I do very much enjoy coming to work.
All Change
Most of you will have been wondering what is happening staffing wise for next year and I am glad to say we are finally at the end of what has been a long and drawn out process since January when Mrs Ducrocq first informed me that she would not be returning to Inveravon.
I am really delighted to be able to tell you that Ms Rachael Smith currently Principal Teacher at Aberlour Primary wants to come and continue her role as a PT at Inveravon. Having worked with her in the past I know that she will be a great asset to the team and I am really looking forward to working with her again.
This means that Mrs Mailer will return to her substantive post at Dallas Primary after the summer where I am sure she has been missed by all the children, parents and staff.
On your behalf I would like to extend a warm thanks to Mrs Mailer for her hard work and commitment to Inveravon Primary over the last year and we wish her all the best for the future. I hope she will take away many happy memories of her time with us at Inveravon.
Mrs Ferguson has been so inspired by what she has seen going on in the classrooms at Inveravon that she has applied to Aberdeen University to begin a Post Graduate Course in teacher training so it is with great regret that I have to tell you that she too will be leaving us at the end of term. Over the four years that she has been a member of staff Mrs Ferguson has contributed greatly to the life and work of the school, especially in her role as Eco Leader. The children have also benefited enormously from the support provided by Mrs Ferguson in class and it has been obvious for a long time that she is a “natural” teacher. I was delighted when she told me about her plans and very much look forward to her joining the teaching profession. Thankfully she assures me that she has no intention of “really leaving” Inveravon and promises to come back regularly to visit us and help us with our Eco work etc. I will hold her to that!
Mrs Joan Reid will take over from Mrs Ferguson as classroom assistant after the summer. Mrs Reid currently works at Knockando and was affected by the reduction of classroom assistant hours identified in the Council budget cuts. Mrs Reid has a wealth of experience and is a popular and well liked member of staff who will be sorely missed at Knockando. However I am delighted to have her on the team at Inveravon.
Our sponsored walk eventually took place last week and the sun shone! (As indeed it should have done the first time!) It was lovely to see so many mums and dogs joining us and everyone had a happy “dander down the line.” You have all been very busy getting sponsors and so far we have raised approx £467 which is really fantastic. Thank you all very much indeed and can I just remind anyone who still has sponsor money to get it in to the school as soon as you can please.
If anyone has any new and novel ideas for raising money next session please let me know as I am always on the lookout for different things to do.
Pictish Party June 20th
Mrs Lawson asked me to include a wee mention of the event taking place this Thursday evening at the church to celebrate the Pictish Stones. Music, Talk and Eats 6.30 for 7pm. All welcome.
Fun Night Friday June 21st
The Parent Council are organising this again and I am really looking forward to seeing you all for what will be our last social event of the school year and we can enjoy a bit of midsummer madness together.
Starting at 6.30pm teams comprising an adult and a child will hop, skip, jump, catch, and birl their way through a variety of fun activities in a bid to become the supreme winners of the much coveted first prize. It really is an event not to be missed with the added attraction of a tasty barbecue so I hope you can all come.
There will be a small entry fee for each pair of competitors.
School Trip July 2nd
We have decided to make our way to Landmark once again this year as it provides such a fun and enjoyable day for everyone. The children will need to wear their school sweatshirts so that we can keep an eye on them but otherwise they are free to wear casual clothes….with the exception of combat/camouflage trousers and jackets.
A packed lunch will also be required. If anyone has season passes for Landmark please let us know as they can be used.
We will be back in time for all children to go home on the bus with Colin at 3.15pm.
Leaver’s Assembly Thursday July 4th 11am
Amidst all the excitement of an end of school session there is also the realisation that we will be losing our P7 pupils which is always a wee bit sad. This year we say farewell to John and Neil who, like others before them, are heading off to Speyside High School after the summer. I have every confidence that they will continue to be great ambassadors for Inveravon Primary and hope that they will remember their primary school days here as happy, carefree and successful.
End of Term Arrangements
The school will close for the holidays on Friday July 5th at 2pm prompt.
In true Inveravon Style we will have our usual water fight although it will start at 11.45 till lunchtime and the children will be in their PE kits. They will need to bring dry underwear, socks and a towel as they will have to get dried and changed for lunch and the afternoon. A plastic bag for the wet clothes will also be needed. We always aim to make sure the children take home all their belongings on the last day and I am ever hopeful that this might just be the year when we are not left with a pair of gym shoes, or a single sock, or a pair of gloves or a PE kit!
Finally can I just say how privileged I feel to be the head teacher of this wonderful wee school set on the hillside above the Spey. Given the current economic climate and the various reviews etc that are being carried out I have no doubt that we are facing some interesting times ahead and a future which I cannot even start to predict. What I do know however is that some of the happiest days of my life are spent within these four walls and I wouldn’t change a minute of it. At the end of another school year we are a strong and supportive community which can adapt to change, take it all in our stride and still stay smiling.
The bell will ring at 9.05 on Tuesday August 20th and your wonderful children will once more fill these walls with laughter, learning and happiness reminding us all once again that
“A School is four walls which surrounds the future”
This week the Neil and John will embark on 2 Inductions Days at Speyside High School. This will be a massive change for them going from a school with 15 pupils to a High School with over 500 pupils. They will be joined by pupils from Rothes, Dufftown, Craigellachie, Glenlivet, Tomintoul, Aberlour and Knockando. We wish them well in this transaction.
[kml_flashembed movie="http://vhss-d.oddcast.com/vhss_editors/voki_player.swf?doc=http%3A%2F%2Fvhss-d.oddcast.com%2Fphp%2Fvhss_editors%2Fgetvoki%2Fchsm=ba2921294b102822d900dfbed4ec0f56%26sc=8279437" width="200" height="267" allowfullscreen="true" /]
What an excellent blog! I particularly like the collage of John Muir since the Muir Woods are located just 18 miles (29 km) from my home in San Francisco, CA. Maybe one day you can visit the magnificent trees located in Muir Woods – the tallest tree is 258 feet (79 m). The trees come from a seed no bigger than that of a tomato. Most of the redwoods are between 500 and 800 years old. The oldest is at least 1,200 years old. Definitely a sight to see! |
With you just being a very small school, you seem to be doing alot .
Here’s another small fact for you.
Slugs have 4 noses.
Hi everyone,
Wow what interesting facts! I have certainly learnt a lot.
I live in Dubai in the United Arab Emirates and I thought you might like to know some interesting facts about where I live.
1. We have the tallest man made free standing building in the world. Its name is the Burj Kahlifa and it is a whopping 2, 722 feet tall, that is 830 metres!
2. The school week here is Sunday to Thursday so while you are still enjoying your Sunday lunch at home children Dubai are at school. However on Fridays you are all working hard in class and the children of Dubai are already enjoying their weekend!
3. The moon appears to be upside down in Dubai if you come from the UK. The crescent moon is facing down and angled slightly from the right instead of the left.
4. Dubai is famous for Pearl diving, oil industries and also jewellery. Did you that the longest gold chain ever made was made here and spanned 4 kilometres?
5. There are no postal addresses here in Dubai. People need to use a PO BOX number to receive mail.
I wonder if you could find out some interesting facts out about where I live and surprise me with some things I dont know. I’d like to hear some cool facts about the indigenous sea life and land animals too!
Thank you for sharing
Last week during Eco Schools we cut down some birch trees with Mrs Ferguson because they were blocking out sun for other plants. We also got some compost from the compost heap behind the school and then we filled the trellis with soil and then we planted sweet peas.
Your left side of your brain controls the movement of your right side and vice vera!