On Friday 10th May the p7s from Inveravon went to Knockando to do there E- portfolios. Mr Picksley from Speyside High School showed us a step by step guide to create them. Then we went back to school and added information to them. They are for our achievements and anything we want to share. This is an ongoing project.
Daily Archives: May 14, 2013
Changing Places
On the 7th May 2013 the eco group made a path in the garden to show people our garden. The garden has been marked out with cones, the plan is to get the military to cut the grass and put in raised paths round the two wet areas.
We are changing our marsh area into a rockery with big boulders to sit on and different coloured stones. The marsh area is being moved to another corner of the garden.
While clearing the marsh area John one of the p7 pupils found a frog and named him Steven he was as big as a £2 coin and was like the skin of an Asian pear.