Our nursery class starts at 8.45 and finishes at 2.45.
Contact details:
Tel: 01475715743
Email: inladyalice@glowscotland.onmicrosoft.com
Twitter: @LadyNursery
Nursery Staff
Headteacher Mrs Gail Connick
Depute Headteacher Miss Samantha McShane
Nursery Depute Mrs Jane Finnie
EYECO Miss Nicole Queen
EYECO Mrs Lorraine Armour
EYECO Mrs Fiona Brown
EYECO Mrs Susan Winsor
EYECO Miss Eva Sutherland
Nursery Assistant Miss Rachel McLaren
The nursery has the capacity to care for 24 children per session. The nursery provision typically covers children 3 – 5 years.
Annual admissions panel takes place in March each year and places for the following session are allocated.
A copy of the admissions policy can be accessed on Inverclyde Council website by following this link