Monthly Archives: October 2019

Why teaching?

Teaching for me isn’t just about educating a class of 30 odd kids from 9 till 3 every Monday to Friday. It’s about inspiring the next generation to become greater than the last. I believe that every child is an individual who has something new to offer to the world, and it is my responsibility to help them discover who they are and what they can do.

‘When one teaches, two learn.’ – Robert Heinlein

For me, this quote sums up how I feel about being in a classroom with children. Their innocent minds assume that they are the one who are in learning position and I am the one who teaches. I want to create a classroom environment where everyone feels equal and are all learning from each other. Just because I am the one who may seem to have the most knowledge in the room doesn’t mean I am not learning new things from the kids everyday. Children who come from a variety of different backgrounds can provide new perspectives and views which maybe I wasn’t even aware of. I also strongly believe that people are more likely to listen to those who they can relate to in some way. Therefore I want to be responsible for creating a space where children can express themselves in a variety of ways. For example through art, music and drama and use their skills to teach and enlighten each other.

Children are our future, and I want to feel the rewarding satisfaction to know that I helped changed the future in a positive way!