MA1 Placement

Work on lesson planning skills

Before coming to university I have never had to complete a lesson plan apart from sports leadership which was minimal planning. I want to ensure that the children know what they are learning and what they should know by the end of the lesson. To have clear Learning Intentions and Success Criteria is vital in assisting the pupils learning. This is something I believe is one of my weaker areas and I want to work on it to provide effective teaching for the class.

Connection to SPR:
2.1.1 Planning demonstrates an understanding of the curriculum.

2.1.2 Plans have an appropriate structure (recognisable beginning, middle and end).


Have a professional relationship with the pupils

I want to have a good relationship with the pupils where we can have fun in the classroom when doing work. However I do not want to be too friendly with the pupils as then you lose the respect of them and they will not listen to instructions. As a result I hope to maintain a fair but firm relationship with the pupils where they respect me as a teacher not as their friend. This may be difficult at times as i want to get on well with the class, but i need to make sure i do not get too friendly and be firm with the class. Especially at the early stages of placement. By gaining respect of pupils it is then easier to create more interactive fun lessons as you know you can control the lesson.

Connection to SPR:

1.3.1 Be able to model trust and respect equally of all stakeholders through interactions with others.

1.3.2 Be able to create a learning environment that is built on understanding and compassion for all, ensuring the social, emotional, mental and physical well-being of each child.


Engage the pupils from the start

If the children can be engage by something at the start of every lesson they will be more likely to pay attention and contribute to if they watch something or are asked to take part in something fun or unusual. If pupils are not engaged they will be more likely to switch off and not pay attention. If they aren’t paying attention they are in turn more likely to distrupt the class. In addition througout the lesson ask questions to everyone to keep them engage and check their understanding. In addition keep them stimulated by being enthusastic about the topic as the enthuasim should rub off on the class.

3.1.6 Students are developing their ability to facilitate and control discussions through appropriate questioning and through extending children’s responses.

3.1.5 Students are able to communicate information and explanations clearly and precisely in a stimulating manner.


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