Monthly Archives: October 2015

The Enquiring Practitioner

Practitioner enquiry is a ‘finding out’ or an investigation with a rationale and approach that can be explained or defended. For teachers this is useful as it can allow them to research areas with other teachers with other ideas and come out with a positive, better outcome than the one previous. An enquiring practitioner is someone who is always looking to learn more and benefit those they are teaching. It is important to be an enquiring practitioner as a student teacher and a teacher as it allows you to grow as a teacher and as a result benefit the pupils. It is shown also that teachers who engage in research have better knowledge of their area, this can only be positive for everyone involved.

If people work collaboratively it will bring other points of view to the table and in the long run will improve the curriculum as it will help others see different points of view and improve the pupils learning and that is what the ultimate goal is. However the problem is if one person does not pull their weight then the whole thing is ruined in addition there is a danger of one person taking over and only their point of view is put across and if that happens then once again the point is ruined.

Practitioner enquiry should challenge teachers to improve as it allows them to look at the way they teach more critically with the help of others. This gives them a deeper insight into who they can change and become better teachers.

Social Media – Positive or negative

Social Media -TDT


When on social media you need to exert caution with what you are sharing or expressing. Social media offers a great opportunity to educate pupils or help pupils online, for example using twitter as an educational tool as some of my teachers did at school. However caution needs to be shown with regards to your personal social media, whatever you share needs to be thought through as not only does it reflect badly on you but on your school and could cost you your job.

Social media as mentioned before can be a powerful tool for both good and bad. It is important to use social media and not be afraid to express personal views. However these should be expressed on personal private accounts and even then seriously think through what offence may be took before posting or sharing something. For any non-private accounts extreme caution needs to be shown. Technology and social media needs to be used in the classroom as results show that technology can aid the pupils learning. From personal experience I have felt the use of technology in my maths class with educational games was both fun and helped me learn.

In conclusion, social media if used correctly will be a positive input for parents, pupils and teachers, as it allows the pupil to look online and get extra support from teachers. However it is important that the pupils learn the risk of social media. If used appropriately social media is an opportunity to revolutionise education, to make the link between home and school much stronger. We should be positive about social media and use it to assist the learning of pupils.