I feel that Active Learning is very beneficial, it encourages you to engage with the work you are doing rather than just trying to memorise it for an exam. By actively making an effort to involve yourself with your learning I believe that you are more likely to do well as you can personalise it to yourself and make it fun and appealing for you to revise and study. Carrying out active learning throughout the entirety of the academic year will also benefit you in the long run as you are constantly looking over and revising topics rather than leaving everything until the last minute. Doing this will stop stress when it comes to exam periods and will allow you to keep on top of what you are learning and also see how you are coping throughout the whole year.
Working Co-operatively is also extremely beneficial; it allows you to get to know your peers and classmates and also allows you to experience new and effective ways of learning. I personally believe that having the opportunity to discuss topics with your peers allows you to get a different view on your learning as you are seeing it from another person’s eyes and can reveal things to you that you may not have noticed before when being taught by teacher or lecturer. Not only can co-operative learning improve your knowledge of topics covered in classes, it can also build social skills. By being put into working groups you are developing teamwork skills and also being encouraged to build up good communication skills, skills which can be carried with you throughout your whole life.