Teaching Across the Curriculum – Health and Wellbeing, Food and Health

I have planned three health and wellbeing lessons based on the experiences and outcomes for health and wellbeing, primarily the food related sections.

Individual Lesson Plan Format (Primary) MA Professional Practice Handbook\Individual Lesson Plan Format.docx

Class/Group: 2nd Level       Lesson: Health & Wellbeing            Date: ………..…

Previous Experience
Working towards outcomes of a Curriculum for Excellence

By applying me knowledge & understanding of current healthy eating advice I can contribute to a healthy eating plan. HWB 2-30a

Responsibility of all – Literacy/Numeracy/ICT/HWB (where appropriate):
Learning Intentions Success Criteria
To use our knowledge of the eat well plate to organise foods into the corresponding section.

To use this information to create a nutritious weekly food plan.

Be able to demonstrate your knowledge by sorting the foods into the eat well plate.

Be able to write the weekly food plan, explaining why they shoes the foods they did.

Resources Eat well plates. Pictures of different foods. Paper. Pencils.
Timing 50 minutes Assessment methods
10 min





10 min




15 min


10 min

Setting the context/Beginning the lesson (Introduction)

Start with a discussion of what the eat well plate is, identifying the different sections.

Discuss what the children eat on a daily basis.

Discuss the learning intention and success criteria.


Teaching the learning intentions (Development)

Get the children into groups and give each one different food pictures.

Get the children to sort out the foods into the different sections of the eat well plate.

Once everyone had sorted the foods, get them to discuss as a whole class why they put certain foods into each section, comparing them to each other’s plates.

Get the children in their groups to discuss what they feel would be a nutritious food plan for the week, using the eat well plate to help, before writing it down.

Ending the lesson (Plenary)

Discuss each other’s food plans and discuss why the foods they put down are nutritious.









Group Assessment






Learner Presentation

Individual Lesson Plan Format (Primary) MA Professional Practice Handbook\Individual Lesson Plan Format.docx

Class/Group: 2nd Level       Lesson: Health & Wellbeing            Date: ………..…

Previous Experience
Working towards outcomes of a Curriculum for Excellence

I have learned about cleanliness, hygiene & safety, I can apply these principles to my everyday routines, understanding their importance to health & wellbeing. HWB 2-33a

Responsibility of all – Literacy/Numeracy/ICT/HWB (where appropriate):

Literacy & ICT

Learning Intentions Success Criteria
To investigate why hygiene is important & good hygiene practices / techniques.

To create a poster on good hygiene practices.

Be able to demonstrate their knowledge of good hygiene practices.

Will create an engaging, detailed poster on hygiene practices.

Resources Computers/ ICT. Poster Paper. Pencils. Pens
Timing 1h 10 min Assessment methods

10 min



20 min


30 min




10 min

Setting the context/Beginning the lesson (Introduction)

Discuss what hygiene means. Asking the children what they already know about good hygiene practices.


Teaching the learning intentions (Development)

Get the children to research hygiene in different situations and its importance.

Get them to use what they have researched to create a poster on good hygiene practices.


Ending the lesson (Plenary)

Get the children to look at each other’s posters and discuss the hygiene practices displayed in them.








Learner presentation / peer marking

Individual Lesson Plan Format (Primary) MA Professional Practice Handbook\Individual Lesson Plan Format.docx

Class/Group: 2nd Level       Lesson: Health & Wellbeing            Date: ………..…

Previous Experience
Working towards outcomes of a Curriculum for Excellence

I can understand how advertising & the media are used to influence consumers. HWB 2-37a

Responsibility of all – Literacy/Numeracy/ICT/HWB (where appropriate):


Learning Intentions Success Criteria
To explore different types of advertising and the effect they have on consumers.

To create an advertisement for a nutritious product.

Be able to describe different types of advertisements and explain their affect on consumers.

Be able to create a convincing advertisement for a product of their choice.

Resources ICT. Poster paper. Pencils. Pens
Timing 1h 10 min Assessment methods


15 min



10 min

30 min



15 min

Setting the context/Beginning the lesson (Introduction)

Show the children different advertisements, getting them to discuss if they liked them or not and why.

Ask them to identify the types of advertising each is.


Teaching the learning intentions (Development)

Get them to research the different types of advertisements.

In groups come up with a nutritious product they want to advertise and use one of the techniques to create an advert.


Ending the lesson (Plenary)

Get the children to share their adverts with each other, and give feedback on how well they did to convince them to use/ buy the product.










Peer marking /  observation

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