
Week 1 and 2 – Diversity


For the last two weeks within lectures and workshops I have been learning about diversity and biodiversity. The concept of diversity encompasses acceptance and respect.  It means understanding that each individual is unique, and recognizing our individual differences.  These can be along
the dimensions of race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, socio-economic status, age, physical abilities, religious beliefs, political beliefs, or other ideologies.  It is the exploration of these differences in a safe, positive, and nurturing environment. It is about understanding each other and moving beyond simple tolerance to embracing and celebrating the rich dimensions of diversity contained within each individual.

Sheets (2009) stated that in order to be an effective teacher it is crucial to understand and acknowledge the critical role culture plays in the teaching-learning process. There is a theory called Diversity Pedagogy Theory which is a set of principles that point out the natural and inseperable connection between culture and cognition. This shows that if a teacher has a clear understanding of diversity between cultures along with other things it allows them to evolve into a culturally competent educator.


When I first began learning about diversity I knew what it was but I also knew that I needed to broaden my knowledge as it was very small. It has made me improve other skills aswell i.e. my problem solving skills. In the first weeks workshops I was learning about primary science and experiments which I can use within the classroom. We made groups and in these groups we went into the universities grounds and gathered different leaves and made rubbings of them. It was a really fun activity which I think younger children would enjoy.

I also had a very interesting talk from Kim and Caroline from WOSDEC which is a global learning centre that works to promote social justice through education. This was a very informative talk and allowed me to discover what it is WOSDEC do. They also showed how this topic links in with the curriculum –

“Curriculum for Excellence challenges schools and communities to develop children and young people as responsible citizens who show respect for others; who understand different beliefs and cultures; and who are developing informed, ethical views of complex issues. Children and young people need to know why discrimination is unacceptable and how to challenge it. They need to understand the importance of celebrating diversity and promoting equality.” (Scottish Government, 2012)


In week 2, Andrew taught a lecture on Cultural diversity which I felt I already knew a fair bit about as I find it very interesting but Andrew added extra knowledge which I didn’t know. I learned about different stereotypes and how crucial it is as a primary teaching to not stereotype anyone.








Sheet, R. (2009) Diversity Pedagogy Theory [online] Available: https://eric.ed.gov/?id=EJ847137[Accessed: 23 September 2019].

šScottish Government (2012) Promoting Diversity and Equality: Developing Responsible Citizens for the 21stCentury. [Online] Available: http://www.educationscotland.gov.uk/Images/Promoting_DE080313_tcm4-747988.pdf[Accessed: 22 September 2019]