
For the previous two weeks, the focus of my lectures and workshops for sustainable development has been interdependence. Interdependence can be described as the way in which two or more living things depend on each other to grow and remain healthy. Our main focal point in my opinion was environmental interdependence – which also led to an enjoyable but very educational trip to two farms which I will discuss later. As my previous two blogs have shown, I don’t know very much around the idea of sustainable development and what it contains but I had a slight knowledge towards interdependence after studying biology at secondary school. However, these past two weeks have broadened my knowledge and I now have built up not only knowledge but also skills which I would never have imagined to be brought on by learning about interdependence.


Early humans understood their reliance on their environment for resources i.e. native Americans, aboriginals and Maoris – which led to the respect of the things which they relied on, which is where interdependence came from. There are three main components of interdependence; economic, social and environmental. Economic interdependence is things like global marketing and trading but also multinational financial regulations and legislation within certain areas. Economic interdependence has also come to include many other aspects of economic life and since the beginnings of the age of computerization, telecommunications, low-cost travel and shipping, economic interdependence has taken new forms including the worldwide structural integration of production and marketing.(Pahelke, R. 2009). Social interdependence exists when the accomplishment of each individual’s goals is affected by the actions of other. (Deutsch, 1949, 1962; Johnson, 1970; D. W. Johnson & Johnson, 1989). They also state that there are two types of social interdependence; positive(cooperation) and negative(competition). Positive social interdependence only exists when both individuals reach their goal whereas negative social interdependence is when only one individual from the pair manage to complete their goals while the other fails. Finally, environmental interdependence is related to the ‘web of life’. This is connected to food chains and how it is apparent that every species has a function to fulfil in sustaining this ‘web of life’.

In week 2, I had a group task which. Discussed sustainable fishing and how it impacts the three areas of interdependence. I have linked the poster at the bottom of my blog.

I gained a much larger knowledge of environmental interdependence when my cohort visited Mossgeil( a small, organic farm) and Strandhead( a large, technically advance farm) a few weeks ago. I, along with several others, were very apprehensive to go to the farms as we did not know what conditions the cows would be living in. I was happy to see that both farms shad great living conditions for their animals and even though Strandhead farm did not allow. Their cows to. Graze outside, the farmer mentioned that they are still happy as they have never experienced this and even if they had the choice they would stay inside. It was extremely eye opening to see the differences between each farm as Mossgeil farms ethos was keeping the cows healthy and  happy and producing organic milk whereas Strandhead had production targets to hit, so their highest priority was that there were cows constantly producing milk. Even though Strandhead was a more about the milk than the cows, the cows still seemed happy apart from the fact that their calves were removed from them at birth whilst at Mossgeil the calves and the mothers were never separated against their own will. All the farmers we met were so positive and enthusiastic about their profession and were able to answer any question that were thrown at them. In Mossgeil farm the cows were all put into the one area away from their living space to get milked once a day and the machines they used has to be connected to the cow’s udders by hand. However, as Strandhead is a more technically advanced farm, the cows just walked into a chain of machines whenever they wanted too, and the machine done all the  work. It was extremely impressive to watch and it’s an experience which I feel would be great to take younger children to witness when learning about farms and their goings on. It made me realise as well how important it is for children to know where their food and other produce comes from.

Mossgeil Farm:



























When reflecting upon my trip to the farm, I became much more ethically minded and even though I believe both sets of cows are treated well, it has made me realise that I would rather support organic farms. However, in my life at the moment I cannot financially afford to buy organic food and milk but when the time comes, I am financially stable I will try my. best too. In relation to GTCS Standards for Registration I

have improved on ‘critically. examining personal and professional attitudes and beliefs and challenging assumptions and professional practice’. I also, as shown throughout this blog,  have become much more knowledgeable about this subject.


(Deutsch, 1949, 1962; Johnson, 1970; D. W. Johnson & Johnson, 1989) Social Interdependence Theory [Online] Available:[Accessed: 18 October 2019].

Pahelke, R. (2009) Introduction to Sustainable Development: Globalization, Interdependence and Sustainability. UNESCO ELOSS [online] Available:


My groups poster:







Climate Change and Global Warming

During weeks three and four, I have been learning more about climate change and global warming. This is a topic which is prevalent in today’s society as it has become a massive issue for our world. Climate change is often just thought of as how the weather changes on a day to day basis for example sunshine one day and snow the next but according to the Met Office (n.d.) Climate change is the long-term shift in average weather patterns across the world. Since the mid-1800s, humans have contributed to the release of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases into the air. This causes global temperatures to rise, resulting in long-term changes to the climate. Due to climate change and global warming there has been a large impact on the UK’s seasons and weather. Our summers are getting drier and our winters wetter, the UKs growing season has increased due to there being less rain but sometimes there is extreme weather in the wrong season for example, the extreme rainfall in the UK during the summer of 2007. Before this topic myself and I could also say for some of my peers were only aware of this topic due to the mass media coverage it has had over the past few years however we still did not know a lot about the extent of it. Having this lecture and also the online Moodle tasks has made me much more aware of how much of a damaging issue climate change is and I have also noticed myself being more cautious with things that can affect my carbon footprint. I noticed myself improving my creative and imaginative skills throughout these weeks as in week three we had a workshop in the science lab where we looked at experiments relating to weather which could be used in a primary school setting. We created a tornado, illustrated using shaving foam and food colouring how rain falls through clouds and also did some craft activities. These two skills are crucial to have when becoming a primary school teacher because you need to be able to keep the children in your classroom excited to learn so they will stay engaged and the only way to do this is if my lessons are interactive and fun. In a professional manner I have started to become more research minded as I have been researching climate change and. Global warming and have learned additional information due to this. For example, I have been researching Greta Thunberg as she is a young climate change activist who recently has become highly influential in this area. She is only sixteen years old but has made me realise more about climate change than I have ever known before. Recently Greta tweeted ‘ Over 7,5 million people in over 180 countries joined the #climate strike!We told world leaders to unite behind the science and take action now. They didn’t listen. So, we go on, every Friday. The next global climate strike is Nov 29, and we need everyone to join! #fridaysforfuture’. This just shows how much power this young girl has, she has managed to open more people’s eyes around global warming and climate change than any world leaders ever have. Knowing this kind of information is key when studying too become a primary teacher because when you have your own class you could be teaching a topic on climate change and even the amount of knowledge, I have gained will make it easier when trying to plan lessons and activities. It can also be connected to other parts of primary education for example science and technologies.


@GretaThunberg (2019) Greta Thunberg. 13 October. [Tweet] Available:[Accessed: 7 October 2019].


Met Office (n.d.) [Online] Available:[Accessed: 5 October 2019]