Reflection of Experiences to Date

In terms of experiences which have equipped me with the skills for this placement, my MA1 school placement would probably have had the biggest impact. This is because it has allowed me to identify the areas which I am successful and confident in, and which areas I need to work on.

For example, one area of development which was identified during my MA1 placement was the overuse of PowerPoints, written work sheets etc., rather than using other learning strategies or resources, such as play or outdoor learning. Therefore, this placement will give me ideas of how to conduct lessons outdoors and how to do so safely and successfully.

Moreover, another key area for development from my MA1 placement was behaviour management. During my placement, I used the same behaviour management techniques as the classroom teacher, as it was evident that these had worked. However, I think it would be beneficial for me to find differing techniques which work well for both me and the children. This placement, will allow me to experience different ways of managing behaviour, and grabbing the children’s attention. I will also be working with new teachers every week, and will therefore witness various teacher’s methods and techniques.