Identification of Learning Opportunities

I will be learning constantly throughout this placement.

For example;

  • I will be constantly updating my knowledge of science, especially animals and plants
    • as well as handling animals, cleaning them out, feeding them and taking general care of the animals.
  • I will be constantly learning from the staff and teachers around me
    • taking from them their teaching strategies, behaviour management techniques and attention grabbers.
  • Learn classic campfire games, songs and skits.
  • Learning about the American curriculum.
  • Learning about the different schools in the local area; charter schools, private schools and public schools.
  • Responsibility of children within the Outdoor School.
  • Learning about how to plant seeds, deal with plants, and other activities on the farm (Pennypack Farm)
  • Learning about American culture, politics and philosophy etc. in terms of education.
  • Learning how to use assessment in a different environment out with the classroom, e.g. outdoors.