
Gathering Learning from around Scotland

May 23, 2015
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Loose Parts

In response to our online appeal many parents donated items for our loose parts table. The table has proved very popular this week and has inspired many creative ideas. The Nursery team plan to develop this further and are looking at ways to introduce something similar to our outdoor area. The original idea came from a website the team often use called Stimulating Learning.

This weekend I have been reading about the theory of loose parts and if you would like to know more you can follow the links below:

Loose Parts at Lawfield Nursery May 2015

May 21, 2015
Comments Off on Tellagami Update

Tellagami Update


We used ‘Tellagami’ today to make a short animation about our caterpillars. Click the link below to see it!

Tellagami is an app we have on our iPad, we linked this to our Smartboard and all worked on the Tellagami together. We are very proud of how it turned out, what do you think?

Click this link to watch our first ever Tellagami!

Our Tellagami Video


May 20, 2015
Comments Off on Negative Numbers

Negative Numbers


Ta - dah! finished work !!!!

This week we have  been learning about positive and negative numbers. Today we were looking at thermometers and speaking about how they show negative numbers when the temperature drops below 0 degrees Centigrade. We coloured in blank thermometers to show different temperatures.


May 15, 2015
Comments Off on Climate Change and Animal Habitats in P3 and P4/3

Climate Change and Animal Habitats in P3 and P4/3

As part of our theme on animals around the world we have been working on climate and how if affects different habitats. We discussed why climate change is happening and how we can take steps to reduce the pollution. In groups we created posters encouraging people to stop climate change by recycling, walking instead of […]

May 12, 2015
Comments Off on Trip to The Burn of Lunklet

Trip to The Burn of Lunklet

We went to the Burn of Lunklet because we are learning about water and rivers so we went there. First I noticed the fence posts put together under the bridge then Miss Breyley said they were pollution gates they make sure no pollution goes to the sea because some people might throw junk into the water. As we went up closer to the water fall the river got narrower and  narrower as we went up. Then we looked over a bridge at the river. We threw some grass in the river we noticed that the water didn’t just go down it went in circles and then backward and then it changed speed as it went down river. We carried  on doing it, it was fun then went went to the giant water fall it was so cool if you looked carefully then it looked a bit like a jungle in a river its mostly fresh water at the beginning and as it gets near the sea it is salty water. The river is tidal at the river mouth.

The Pollution Gates
The Waterfall


May 12, 2015
Comments Off on Food for under a Fiver!

Food for under a Fiver!

The boys and girls in Primary 5/6 had their first practical food technology lesson on Friday.  We transformed our classroom into a working kitchen.  The boys and girls were learning how to use cutting techniques such as the bridge and the claw.   Some of the class researched healthy menus using fruit for ingredients.  The children chose to make a healthy fruit salad from an online recipe.   The ingredients cost  a total of £4.60 and Miller took orders from the class and he also served.  Robbie did the dishes and  Ewan helped him.

Next time we are going to cook a healthy alternative to a pot noodle.



May 11, 2015
by John
Comments Off on Fit hiv A learnt?

Fit hiv A learnt?

Weel, A’v fair enjoyit iss beetcamp. Bit fit hiv A learnt? First ava, A noo cry masel a ‘blogger’ wi jist a wee thochtie o air quotes faan A say it. A can add pitcturs an soon files. Maist o aw, A dinna panic faan telt ti “add a new category”. A ken A can dae it, an a wirk it oot or lang. So aye, ma lairnin his been nae bad ava!


May 7, 2015
Comments Off on Boghall Primary – P3 and P4/3 – Pointillism Art

Boghall Primary – P3 and P4/3 – Pointillism Art

      Primary 3 and 4/3 have had great fun creating a stag’s head using pointillism art.  They first drew the head by copying from the Dragoart programme.  They then used cotton buds to dot different colours over the head. Some of the art work is still in progress.  They have thoroughly enjoyed using […]

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