Respect for All: Preventing & Challenging Bullying Behaviour

‘Bullying has a detrimental impact on children and young people’s wellbeing. Children and young people have the right to be safe and secure with strong, positive relationships with peers and with adults, in order to thrive and to achieve their full potential.‘
Respectme, 2015

Stirling establishments value cultures where children and young people’s rights are at the forefront; diversity is fostered and respectful relationships, built on mutual trust and understanding, are developed.

Central to this is our work to build capacity, resilience and skills in children and young people, and all those who play a role in their lives, to develop environments where bullying cannot thrive. Underpinning this is Stirling’s commitment to prevention, early intervention, valuing and meeting individual needs, in line with the principles of Getting it Right For Every Child, in order to achieve responsible inclusion for every child and young person.

In line with the national message from the Scottish Government around the recording and monitoring of bullying incidents in schools, we have a responsibility to safeguard children and young people by recording bullying incidents accurately and timeously. While schools have recording formats at establishment level, the national message makes it clear that a consistent and uniform approach is required through the Bullying and Equalities module within SEEMiS.

Additional Resources:

Stirling’s Approach to Respect for All: Preventing and Challenging Bullying Behaviours 

Respect for All: National Approach

Stirling: Bullying and Equalities Seemis Module –  Procedure

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