WEEK 6 – Tuesday 15thOctober 2019

This weeks art workshop was on print making and the link between literacy and art. We looked at some of Bob and Roberta Smith’s work to give us some inspiration. A couple fo their pieces I liked said “We have only got eachother” and “Art makes children powerful.” However, we were to come up with one of our own quotes. The one I liked was “Things don’t have to change the world to be important.” We were required to draw out our quote in big letters so that they could be seen. At this point I realised that my quote was too long for what we were going to do, so I changed it to “Be Fearless.” Our next step was to engrave our quote into a tile, we then had to rub ink into it and print it onto a piece of paper.

Personally, I enjoyed this task and I thought it would be a good way for children in the classroom to express their views. We could make prints with strong persuasive words, to go along with whatever topic we were studying.


Moving on to our music workshop, we were looking at rhythm patterns. The difference between the beat and the pulse of a song. The beat can change throughout the song, however, the pulse remains consistent “the pulse is a steady beat.” We were all given drum sticks and had to read pieces of music in order to play the beat. We learned about minums and that they are worth two beats, crotchets are worth one beat and quavers are half a beat. However, quavers often hold hands to become two quick half beats together.

Although, I don’t have much musical background I really enjoyed this workshop. I think it made music fun and something everyone can be involved in no matter if you know how to read music or not. I look forward to giving my class drumsticks and seeing how we get on!

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