Although it seems a long time ago now, my original enquiry focus and question were as follows:
Focus: Looking at the impact of outdoor learning for developing Skills for Learning and Work.
My Question
How can learning outdoors enhance and deepen learning within curriculum areas of numeracy.
This Task is a useful one to reflect on whether I’ve managed to answer or address the enquiry question.
What I’ve learned (evidence gathering)
From my observations over the course of the enquiry, pupils seemed to be enthusiastic going outdoor, engaged in work and keen to explore each next stage as we progressed. This was from a mix of informal observation combined with formal observation of individual groups and recording their group discussions. When I was writing up their assessment feedback. They then went on to self-assess this feedback, focusing on what they felt they were successful at and setting a target for themselves too.
We did discuss the areas of curriculum and different skills involved they would be working on. Perhaps I needed to give pupils reminders of this on a regular basis throughout the time they were working together.
At the end of the enquiry, I asked everyone to complete a feedback form, either anonymously or giving their name, so I could collate their comments as they reflected on their experience. I don’t have a full set of these back yet as some pupils were absent when we worked on them. This has been an ongoing issue for me at times, to continue work as a full class with some groups low in numbers for various issues. I think I’ve become much more aware of this as a result of how focused I was on the enquiry and everything I wanted to achieve in the time we had.
A quick look at the feedback indicates pupils, on the whole, really enjoyed the enquiry and the amount of group work involved. They appear to have liked the opportunity to come up with their own ideas of achieving numeracy skills out with the classroom creating an option to have more outdoor lessons. I asked them questions about what they learned but also about their own learning.
Whole school impact
At this point, there’s not really been any impact on my colleagues. There is an awareness I am trying to raise attainment in numeracy through outdoor learning which is not a routine practice for most of our secondary schools. I think, once I’ve created my enquiry poster, I’ll feel more confident about sharing my learning and observations. Perhaps this will be one of the deputes in the first instance. I’ve been open about what I am doing and have welcomed feedback or questions throughout. It really is that people are so busy, there isn’t a lot of time for discussions on outdoor learning.
Hi Rachnna,
I was just wondering in your evidence gathering if you collated data about the children’s numeracy progression throughout the project? So the numeracy E&O’s related to the outdoor learning you detailed for Emma previously.
You mention about them being enthusiastic and engaged but I was wondering if their understanding of the number concepts had also improved?