- What went according to plan? What I wanted to do in terms of engaging pupils, allowing them to have more exposure outdoor and gaining more confidence in achieving numeracy skills worked well.
- What was easier? Organizing outdoor learning with S3 elective group twice a month and enforcing basic numeracy skills with them.
- What surprised you? Increased level of confidence and group work and the quality of the discussions I have observed, just by listening to the groups outdoor was amazing. What was more difficult? Weather not been so friendly, it was bit difficult to take pupils out and carry out activities as planned.
- What other things would you tell someone?
- Definitely to give yourself more time to plan. Ensure that risk assessment is already done, checking weather conditions, visiting the outdoor site and support from management.
Hi Rachna, I’ve read through your recent posts and I’m just trying to catch up with everything! Was this a group of S3 eco committee pupils, and they were designing an outdoor classroom? I’m just getting a picture of this in my head. What aspects of numeracy would you say were particularly suited to outdoors work? And how do the students feel about any impact on their numeracy skills?
Hi Emma
It is S3 elective group I planned my outdoor learning classroom. As I see them every week for 2 continuous periods, it worked well. I focused on following learning outcomes with the group-
•Measurement- Estimates, then measures, the length, height, weight and capacity of familiar objects using a range of appropriate non-standard units. (MNU 0-11a)
• Patterns and relationships- Explores, recognises and continues simple number patterns and describes the musing appropriate mathematical vocabulary. (MTH 0-13a)
• Properties of 2D shapes and 3D objects- • Recognises, describes and sorts common 2D shapes and 3D objects according to various criteria, for example, straight, round, flat and curved. (MTH 0-16a)
•Data and analysis – I can work collaboratively, making appropriate use of technology, to source information presented in a range of ways, interpret what it conveys and discuss whether I believe the information to be robust, vague or misleading. (MNU 3-20a)
Pupils were motivated and engaged in learning numeracy skills out with the classroom. It was a successful attempt & positive feedback received from pupils.
Thanks Rachna. That is so helpful seeing the Es & Os.