I was initially worried that my enquiry on outdoor education was too topic driven. What underpins it is the fact I am putting ‘my own values into practice’ as discussed in the reading for Task 3A. I’ve still got quite a way to go, but I have taken first step by taking initiative to set up Eco-committee in our school.
Intended Approach
I’ve had brief conversations recently with both my PT and the DHT who has staff development as part of her remit. Both are keen for me to proceed with an enquiry around my initial idea of Eco- school as a part of outdoor learning.
That’s what made me think idea of Eco-school would be ideal to work with a group of pupils from S1 to S6 with when undertaking my TLP enquiry. and I want to harness this in allowing us to work much more collaboratively than I might be able or willing to do in a classroom setting.
I want to work on the project already known to pupils and for learner voice to influence what we do/where we go to a much greater extent than normal. Therefore, the idea is that together, my pupils, I with my colleagues can create a more holistic learning experience out with the classroom. Clearly, given the nature of the work, the enquiry will be rooted in working in partnership with community. Eco-committee is the pupil decision based committee where they plan and execute their ideas. I am hoping less talking which I am currently used to and more listening on my part. I want to allow learners the time to articulate their own wondering, whilst also providing a safe space to share those which will shape the direction of what we explore and look at in terms of working together. What will be different from the way I’ve approached teaching in classroom to explore and to focus on individual experiences and work with pupils.
Next Steps
Looking at E’s and O’s, I am thinking not very sure to link numeracy skills with outdoor learning. Initially, I will look at some of the previous TLP academic posters, for ideas, find suitable way to execute it. Watch Fearghal Kelly’s ‘Planning Our Learning’, about an enquiry he undertook in his own classroom, allowing pupils the opportunity to ‘explore new ideas.
As it is a new project in the school, Environmental survey by the committee members is done and soon it will be open for whole school feedback. Last week we got new badges and group and individual photographs of all the committee members were taken by S6 pupil who is now photograph link. Article with photo will be published in the December newsletter.
After December, once the background reading is underway, develop the materials I intend to use. I am aware that I will need to be flexible and I will be constantly revising and reflecting on the process as we go along.