‘Exploring my itch’

Professional Skills and Abilities 2.2.2:  I… question, develop and account for practice in critically informed ways and provide an informed rationale for professional actions. GTCS Standard for CLPL.

After watching Chris Kilkenny at the STEP conference has given me a much better understanding of some of the issues children have or go through which can impact seriously on their ability and motivation to learn. I knew there were a few things that I wanted to improve in my teaching but wasn’t quite sure what would be my priority and if I did change/adapt/redesign some of my L&T, what would actually make some impact. During my career so far, I have always tried to develop independence in all my pupils, fighting through pressures to spoon feed pupils information to guarantee success and trying to create a culture of sustainable learning where pupils want to do well and achieve. After joining SCEL course, hoping it would  inform and guide my next steps.I much felt focused  and I realised my approach so far to develop independence is not correct.

With the attainment gaps being so significant in schools, this is not always the best way to go developing independence so I feel like I would like to investigate the strategies bridging the gap between pupil attainment and independence in my current school. My aim would be to provide ways in which every single pupil could develop independence without the requirement to use something of a cost which they may not have access. One aspect is how using new technologies could add to improved outcomes and increase attainment for my pupils. I’ve recognised that I’m out of touch with the interests of our young people particularly with such emphasis on social media and how digital technology could be used as an effective learning tool in the classroom. So for me, my itch will focus on how I can use specific active learning techniques such as goggle classroom, goggle form, interactive online targeted gaming technology, think, pair and share, blooms taxonomy etc.etc. Even I need to refresh my skills to use interactive whiteboard. I feel that this could also be achieved through collaborative learning and peer marking, mentoring programmes, lunchtimes café and building more sustained links with community based projects such as outdoor learning, after school games club for skill development in younger pupils.

14 Replies to “‘Exploring my itch’”

  1. Hi Rachnna,
    I enjoyed reading your post. I agree with your point about trying to build independence skills in young people rather than just giving them the relevant information they may require to be successful in a particular task or subject area. I think you have lots of great ideas about possible ways that you could focus on different active learning techniques with your learners.

  2. I think trying to develop more self-motivated, autonomous learners is an interesting focus. It may also be worthwhile considering the underlying causes of why children lose or lessen their autonomy, as well as the strategies to increase it.


    1. I totally agree to this Stephanie.I will pay more attention in developing their motivation and self confidence,also try to make lessons more interesting so they do not lose their interest.

  3. You are clear on your focus, Rachna, of encouraging independence in all students. You have then mentioned a large number of ways that this could be achieved: technology, Bloom’s taxonomy, collaborative learning, mentoring, community links and more. Are you able to narrow that list down and think of one or two areas which appeal to you and feel manageable for you to instigate this year? You don’t want to risk adding hugely to your workload, so maybe you feel more comfortable with some of those areas than others?

    1. This year my area of focus is collaborative learning and working with community on my new project eco committee with my team of pupils and teachers.I am planning and meeting visitors from local working groups and sharing ideas how we can mutually work together on eco school project.

        1. I am thinking on the similar lines of outdoor learning and/or Eco- school working in partnership with community as my focus for enquiry.

  4. Rachna, for some reason I am not able to add comments to your most recent two posts. There is no ‘Leave a Reply’ option. Is that something you are able to look into? If not, let me know and I’ll try to find out what’s going on. Maybe I’m missing something obvious…

    1. Oh, that is the reason i was wondering why there is no comment. I am sorry Emma,I checked all the settings.If it is still not have the option for reply, can you do something to fix the issue please.

  5. Rachna, could you try giving your blog a different design in case that allows me to comment? At the toolbar at the top of your blog you will see a ‘Customize’ button. Click it. Then on the left hand side, you will see ‘Active theme – change’. Choose a different design from that list. I will keep looking to see if that helps. If it doesn’t, I will seek further help!

    1. Emma I can see now comments closed on my recent posts. How can I fix this issue or If you do not mind, I can msg you my glow login details to look at it.

  6. Thanks, Rachna! I see the comment box for your recent post. I am in Glasgow all day tomorrow but I will give an overall comment in the most recent comment box and then I’ll keep an eye that a reply box appears for all your future posts.

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