The girls were up bright and early this morning to get ready and tidy their rooms!
Today is our first full day and we have lots of adventures planned with our groups. Have a look and see what we will be up to….
Group 1 (Cameron and Kristopher) and Group 2 (Heather, Kiera and Kayla) are heading off to the Woodland Safari this morning and on a walk this afternoon
Group 3 (Eryn and Hope) and Group 4 (Kian, Stuart and Haseeb) are doing some navigation this morning and the Woodland Safari this afternoon
Group 5 (Paul and Brandon) and Group 6 (Lee and Logan) are going climbing this morning and doing navigation this afternoon
Group 7 (Robbie and Bilal) will be skiing this morning and climbing this afternoon
Group 9 (Fraya and Eve) and Group 10 (Robyn and Erin) are going on a gorge walk this morning and back for skiing this afternoon
Group 11 (Rhys and Marc) are off out on a walk this morning and then going gorge walking this afternoon
We will update you again later on tonight to let you all know how we got on 😊
After returning from our afternoon activities the children all sat down to have dinner. They had some free time where they had the chance to play air hockey and ping pong 🏓 with children from other schools.
Our night time activities tonight were photo orienteering and the A-Z of Kilbowie. The children all worked in groups to find different clues and items all around the grounds. Stuart, Robbie and Logan won overall between Keir Hardie and Newarthill! Well done boys! 🥇
Everyone is all tucked up and Bed and looking very sleepy after our busy day! 😴 Tonight it is the boys turn to say goodnight to you all! The girls will be wishing you goodnight tomorrow 😊
We have all been settling in since our arrival. We had our first lunch together and learned all about when we would have our sittings for our meals and how to choose what we want for lunch and dinner. Then we had the exciting task of unpacking and setting our rooms up. As you can see some of the boys had some interesting ways of getting their covers on 😂 👻 I was very impressed with how organised some of the wardrobes look. We shall see how long that lasts!
Everyone has been put into their activity groups, collected their kit and have set off around the grounds with their instructors. Lots of excited and happy faces all round! 😁
We have had our rest break at The Green Welly and aren’t too far from Oban now! We should be there in around 20 minutes or so. Everyone has coped with the journey well and no one has been sick. Hopefully it continues that way 😊
We will update you all again on arrival.
Miss Melvin
Primary 7 had a brilliant morning at the B.I.B.L.E Exhibition at the New Stevenson Assembly Halls. The children moved round the exhibition in groups and learned lots of information about Christianity, the Bible, Baptism and the Nativity. The exhibition was all interactive and included video clips, sound bites, moving exhibits, hands on resources and quizzes. The children all represented Keir Hardie well and displayed exemplary behaviour throughout. They even got a goodie bag at the end too!
A P7 pupil has been working on her own enterprise challenge that she had been set at Brownies. She was given £2 to use to start up her own business. She decided to make a cake decorating business where pupils could choose to decorate either a cupcake or a biscuit for 50p. She set up her business on Thursday afternoon outside the Primary 7 classroom. As you can see from the photographs it was a great success! She also sold some very tasty cakes to the teachers too, they went down a treat in the staffroom! Overall she made £24 profit, a great achievement! Perhaps we have a budding Mary Berry on our hands?
Congratulations to this super achiever in Primary 7 who recently won a gold medal for horse riding. She achieved 87% accuracy in her show jumping competition. Well done!
As part of our novel study we looked at the modern Scots language that is used throughout Divided City. We decided to pick out some of our favourites along with some other modern Scots words to make a collage with. We contacted the people at the Tunnock’s factory in Uddingston and asked if they would be kind enough to send us some wrappers to help us make our collages. The lovely Ann came to our rescue and she managed to get us a variety of wrappers off the end of the roll. Thanks Ann! Your help was very much appreciated! As you can see our artwork turned out very well!
Can you translate what some of the words mean?