Off out on lots of adventures

Today is our first full day and we have lots of adventures planned with our groups. Have a look and see what we will be up to….

Group 1 (Cameron and Kristopher) and Group 2 (Heather, Kiera and Kayla) are heading off to the Woodland Safari this morning and on a walk this afternoon

Group 3 (Eryn and Hope) and Group 4 (Kian, Stuart and Haseeb) are doing some navigation this morning and the Woodland Safari this afternoon

Group 5 (Paul and Brandon) and Group 6 (Lee and Logan) are going climbing this morning and doing navigation this afternoon

Group 7 (Robbie and Bilal) will be skiing this morning and climbing this afternoon

Group 9 (Fraya and Eve) and Group 10 (Robyn and Erin) are going on a gorge walk this morning and back for skiing this afternoon

Group 11 (Rhys and Marc) are off out on a walk this morning and then going gorge walking this afternoon

We will update you again later on tonight to let you all know how we got on 😊

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