
In preparation for the GamesCon event, Jim McLean, Education Officer, Aberdeenshire Council, will be hosting some webinars via a Team site in Glow. The code for the Team site will be given to you once you have completed the registration form below.


First Webinar is an Introduction to Scratch

12th February 2020, 19:00 – 20:00


CPD Sessions via West College Scotland

West College Scotland have just launched some brilliant online CPD sessions for their GamesJam competitions. The sessions are open to all Glow users and will link nicely to our Northern Alliance GamesCon event.

Please click on the graphic below to access the full webpage.


Links to Expressive Arts

During the event students could be,

  • creating characters and graphics for their game
  • creating presentations and videos as part of their research
  • creating music and sound effects to use in their game

Expressive Arts Experiences and Outcomes

Experiences in the expressive arts involve creating and presenting and are practical and experiential.

I have experienced the energy and excitement of presenting/performing for audiences and being part of an audience for other people’s presentations/performances. EXA 0-01a / EXA 1-01a / EXA 2-01a 

I have the opportunity to choose and explore an extended range of media and technologies to create images and objects, comparing and combining them for specific tasks. EXA 2-02a

I can create and present work that shows developing skill in using the visual elements and concepts. EXA 2-03a

I can develop and communicate my ideas, demonstrating imagination and presenting at least one possible solution to a design problem. EXA 2-06a

I can use my voice, musical instruments and music technology to experiment with sounds, pitch, melody, rhythm, timbre and dynamics.  EXA 2-17a

Inspired by a range of stimuli, and working on my own and/or with others, I can express and communicate my ideas, thoughts and feelings through musical activities. EXA 1-18 / EXA 2-18a

Click the above graphic to access the document


Links to Numeracy and Mathematics

Computing science and maths are closely related, and as a discipline computing science has its roots in mathematics as the first computing machine made by Charles Babbage was built to solve mathematical problems.

During the event the students would most likely be exploring :

  • 2D and 3D models 
  • Co-ordinates , precise positioning of a sprite on a computer display 
  • Chance and Uncertainty (randomisation)
  • Time: recording and displaying, duration of time (showing how long a
  • player has taken to complete a level for example)
  • Measurement , creating graphics to fill specific spaces calculated in pixels, understanding  and demonstrating knowledge of different measurement units
  • Angles and Symmetry: On screen sprites May be required to turn specific angles, or grow or shrink, or sprites may be mirrored , horizontally, inclined or vertically.
  • Patterns : pattern recognition is a key computational thinking skill to efficiently develop algorithms
  • Boolean algebra : If , And , Not 

Examples of some relevant numeracy and mathematics from the CfE experiences and outcomes

Having determined which calculations are needed, I can solve problems involving whole numbers using a range of methods, sharing my approaches and solutions with others. MNU 2-03a

Having explored the need for rules for the order of operations in number calculations, I can apply them correctly when solving simple problems. MTH 2-03c

I can use and interpret electronic and paper-based timetables and schedules to plan events and activities, and make time calculations as part of my planning.  MNU 2-10a

I can carry out practical tasks and investigations involving timed events and can explain which unit of time would be most appropriate to use MNU 2-10b

Having explored a range of 3D objects and 2D shapes, I can use mathematical language to describe their properties, and through investigation can discuss where and why particular shapes are used in the environment. MTH 2-16a

Through practical activities, I can show my understanding of the relationship between 3D objects and their nets.  MTH 2-16b

I can draw 2D shapes and make representations of 3D objects using an appropriate range of methods and efficient use of resources.  MTH 2-16c

Click the above graphic to access the document

Computational Thinking

Barefoot Computing is an excellent Free resource that supports schools with embed Computing Science across the curriculum.

The site has lesson plans, materials and posters that can be downloaded and used in the classroom.

The poster below gives a nice overview of the Concepts and Approaches used in Computational Thinking.

Click on the poster to download your own from the Barefoot Computing website.

For more information and to access the Barefoot Computing website, please click on the link below.

Barefoot Computing

Links to Technologies

Links to the Technologies Curriculum

Learners will develop knowledge, skills, attributes and capabilities around the key concepts/significant aspects of learning in the technologies.

  • Using digital products and services in a variety of contexts to achieve a purposeful outcome
  • Searching, processing and managing information responsibly
  • Cyber resilience and internet safety
  • Understanding the world through computational thinking
  • Understanding and analysing computing technology
  • Designing, building and testing computing solutions

Within each of the key concepts/significant aspects of learning learners will develop and demonstrates

  • knowledge and understanding of the key concepts in the technologies
  • curiosity, exploration and problem solving skills
  • planning and organisational skills in a range of contexts
  • creativity and innovation
  • skills in using tools, equipment, software, graphic media and materials
  • skills in collaborating, leading and interacting with others
  • critical thinking through exploration and discovery within a range of learning contexts
  • discussion and debate
  • searching and retrieving information to inform thinking within diverse learning contexts
  • making connections between specialist skills developed within learning and skills for work
  • presentation and communication skills

Digital Literacy

I can extend and enhance my knowledge of digital technologies to collect, analyse ideas, relevant information and organise these in an appropriate way. TCH 2-01a

I can use digital technologies to search, access and retrieve information and am aware that not all of this information will be credible. TCH 02-02a

I can explore online communities demonstrating an understanding of responsible digital behaviour and I’m aware of how to keep myself safe and secure. TCH 2-03a

Computing Science

I understand the operation of a process and its outcome. I can structure related items of information. TCH 2-13a

I can explain core programming language concepts in appropriate technical language. TCH 2-14a

I understand how information is stored and how key components of computing technology connect and interact through networks. TCH 2-14b

I can create, develop and evaluate computing solutions in response to a design challenge. TCH 2-15a

Click the graphic

Where do we upload our GamesCon entries?

We have created a Glow Site where you will be able to upload your GamesCon entries.

Please note that you will be judged on the following,

  • Your Game
  • How you have linked into the Theme of the competition (5Rights)
  • Your research documents
  • Any presentations you have made
  • Any videos you have created

The Glow Site can be accessed by clicking on the graphic below. Your teacher will have to be the one who uploads the content.


Hour of Code (and beyond)

The Hour of Code is a globally event that encourages students and educations to try coding for an hour to get them excited and engaged with computing science.

However, we are keen to go beyond the Hour of Code and embed computing science across the curriculum.

Code.org have a wide range of tutorials, activities and lesson plans that are available to use for Free.

Click on the graphic below to find more information, resources and activities for Hour of Code.

Register here to participate in Hour of Code

Links to Science

Sciences E&Os there is potential to link this to topical science:

SCN: 2 – 20a and b: (Summary) Topical Science at Second Level allows pupils to demonstrate their understanding of the impact of scientific discovery and invention has on their lives and society and to share opinions about topical scientific issues.

The invention of the internet and then social media has had an inconceivable impact on our society  – we live our lives online and our data has now become an increasingly valuable commodity. Discussing this and developing an understanding of how to stay safe online and to share only what you want to share links very well with these E&O’s.

In addition at each level there are a number of Scientific Skills:

Scientific analytical thinking skills

– Applies scientific analytical thinking skills, with assistance, working with less familiar (or familiar but more complex) contexts.  . 

– Demonstrates further development of creative thinking including through the engineering processes of design, construction, testing and modification.  

Skills and attributes of scientifically literate citizens

 At Second Level, it is anticipated that learners will be able to demonstrate the skills below with assistance.

– Presents a reasoned argument based on evidence, demonstrating understanding of underlying scientific concepts, and engages with the views of others.

– Demonstrates understanding of the relevance of science to their future lives and the role of science  in an increasing range of careers and occupations. 

– Demonstrates increased awareness of creativity and inventiveness in science, the use of technologies  in the development of sciences and the impact of science on society. 

– Expresses informed views about scientific and environmental issues based on evidence.  

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